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En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 47 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 47 rečenica) [pdf]
n1At the invitation of Prof. Fuada Stankovic, Rector of the University of Novi Sad, recent signatory of the Magna Charta Universitatum, the Observatory of the University Fundamental Values and Rights, in Bologna, delegated two of its members, Prof. Michael Daxner, former President of the University of Oldenburg and former International Administrator for Education in Kosovo, and Dr. Kenneth Edwards, former Vice-Chancellor of the University of Leicester and former President of the Association of European Universities, to discuss with representatives of all universities in Serbia the conditions of academic development - as envisaged by the new law on higher education. n1Na poziv prof. dr Fuade Stanković, rektora Univerziteta u Novom Sadu, koji je nedavno postao potpisnik povelje Magna Charta Universitatum, Opservatorija za osnovne univerzitetske vrednosti i prava u Bolonji delegirala je dva svoja člana, profesora Majkla Daksnera (Michael Daxner), bivšeg rektora Univerziteta u Oldenbergu i bivšeg međunarodnog administratora za obrazovanje na Kosovu i dr Keneta Edvardsa (Kenneth Edwards), bivšeg rektora Univerziteta u Lesteru i bivšeg predsednika Evropske asocijacije univerziteta, da učestvuju u razgovorima sa predstavnicima svih univerziteta u Srbiji o uslovima akademskog razvoja koje predviđa novi Zakon o visokom obrazovanju.
n2They were accompanied by Dr. Andris Barblan, Secretary General of the Magna Charta Observatory. n2U sklopu delegacije nalazio se i dr Andris Barblan (Andris Barblan), generalni sekretar Opservatorije Magna karte (Magna Charta Observatory).
n3From a full day of intense discussions, the following paragraphs represent their understanding of the situation in Serbian higher education at present and their views on how arrangements might be made so that Serbian universities can reclaim their full place in the European academic community . n3Ova beleška je rezultat celodnevnih intenzivnih razgovora i predstavlja njihovo viđenje trenutne situacije u visokom obrazovanju u Srbiji i njihove stavove vezane za mere koje bi se mogle preduzeti da bi srpski univerziteti ponovo ostvarili punopravno članstvo u evropskoj akademskoj zajednici.
n4 Among the countries of South East Europe, Serbia has chosen as the guiding principle for its development the compatibility of its structural rules with those defining the transformation of Europe into a community which Serbia would like to join in the future. n4Kao i druge zemlje jugoistočne Evrope, Srbija je za osnovno načelo svog razvoja odabrala kompatibilnost sa onim pravilima koja definišu transformaciju Evrope u zajednicu kakvoj bi Srbija želela da se priključi u budućnosti.
n5To reach European compatibility, it can count on its central position in the continent as well as on a high intellectual capacity shaping a system of comprehensive universities spread throughout various parts of the country. n5U postizanju evropske kompatibilnosti, Srbija može da računa na svoj centralni položaj na kontinentu, kao i na visok intelektualni potencijal koji karakteriše sistem sveobuhvatnih univerziteta smeštenih u različite delove zemlje.
n6It can also present a remarkable set of legal and structural reforms that were discussed and adopted in a short period of time, often with a clear sense of the linkages between various sectors of activity, for instance primary and secondary education. n6Takođe ona može da ponudi i značajan skup zakonskih i strukturnih reformi koje su razmatrane i usvojene u kratkom roku i često sa jasnim razumevanjem povezanosti različitih sektora aktivnosti, npr. osnovnog i srednjeg obrazovanja.
n7However, impediments exist like, in higher education, the ageing staff and the growing obsolescence of equipment, a result of the scarcity of resources in a country impoverished by emargos, war and dictatorship. n7Prepreke i smetnje na ovom putu ipak postoje. U visokom obrazovanju to su nepovoljna starosna struktura nastavnog osoblja i zastarevanje opreme kao posledica nestašice sredstava u zemlji osiromašenoj embargom, ratovima i diktaturom.
n8Reduced investment - compared to needs - does not help a new generation of researchers and teachers to prepare and commit to the long term success of academic work in Serbia. n8Smanjena ulaganja, u odnosu na potrebe, ne olakšavaju novoj generaciji istraživača i nastavnika da se pripremi i posveti postizanju dugoročnog uspeha u akademskom radu u Srbiji.
n9To move forward despite present difficulties, priorities will need to be made, some institutions focusing on specific areas, and the use of funds being streamlined so that duplication of activities are kept to a minimum, also inside each institution. n9Da bi se uprkos teškoćama ostvario napredak potrebno je odrediti prioritete, pri čemu bi se pojedine institucije usredsredile na specifične oblasti, a korišćenje sredstva usmeravalo tako da se dupliranje aktivnosti, posebno unutar svake institucije, svede na minimum.