En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 789 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 789 rečenica)
n1 | Under this Law, the conditions and the manner of performing activities in the field of telecommunications are regulated in accordance with international legal standards; | n1 | Ovim zakonom, u skladu sa međunarodnim pravnim standardima, uređuju se uslovi i način obavljanja delatnosti u oblasti telekomunikacija; |
n2 | the Republic Telecommunications Agency is established; | n2 | osniva se Republička agencija za telekomunikacije; |
n3 | the powers for regulating relations in the telecommunications sector are stipulated; | n3 | utvrđuju se ovlašćenja za regulisanje odnosa u oblasti telekomunikacija; |
n4 | and it regulates the issues referring to the elimination of monopolies and monopolistic behavior; | n4 | uređuju se pitanja koja se odnose na: sprečavanje monopola i monopolskog ponašanja; |
n5 | principles and procedures for granting operating licenses; | n5 | principe i postupak dodeljivanja dozvola za obavljanje delatnosti; |
n6 | regulation and control of telecommunications service tariffs under the conditions of a limited market; | n6 | regulaciju i kontrolu tarifa telekomunikacionih usluga u uslovima ograničenog tržišta; |
n7 | interconnection between telecommunications networks and operators; | n7 | interkonekciju telekomunikacionih mreža i operatora; |
n8 | leased lines; | n8 | zakup linija; |
n9 | scope, contents and quality of universal service, as well as rights and obligations of telecommunications operators in this field; | n9 | obim, sadržinu i unapređenje usluga univerzalnog servisa, kao i prava i obaveze telekomunikacionih operatora u toj oblasti; |