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En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 230 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 230 rečenica) [pdf]
n21. Scope of application n21. Predmet Zakona
n3Article 1 n3Član 1.
n4This Act shall lay down the conditions and regulate methods and proceedings for the purchase of goods and services and the contracting of construction works and services, in cases where the client is a government body, organization or agency or a legal entity as stipulated by this Law; this Act shall regulate the method of recording contracts and other data concerning the public procurement as well as the methods of protection of the rights of the bidders; this Act shall regulate the establishment of the Public Procurement Agency as an organization responsible for performing professional activities concerning the public procurement; this Act shall regulate other matters concerning the public procurement. n4Ovim zakonom se: uređuju uslovi, način i postupak nabavke dobara i usluga i ustupanja izvođenja radova u slučajevima kada je naručilac tih nabavki državni organ, organizacija, ustanova ili drugo pravno lice određeno ovim zakonom; određuje način evidentiranja ugovora i drugih podataka o javnim nabavkama, kao i način zaštite prava ponuđača; obrazuje Uprava za javne nabavke, kao organizacija nadležna za obavljanje stručnih poslova u oblasti javnih nabavki; uređuju i druga pitanja od značaja za javne nabavke.
n5Exceptions from this Act n5Nabavke na koje se Zakon ne primenjuje
n6Article 2 n6Član 2.
n7This Act shall not apply to the following procurements: n7Odredbe ovog zakona ne odnose se na nabavke:
n81. those from organizations which pursuant to this Act are to be regarded as clients and are founded with an exclusive right to render services which are the object of public procurement; n81) od organizacija koje se, u smislu ovog zakona, smatraju naručiocem i koje su osnovane za obavljanje delatnosti pružanja usluga koje su predmet javne nabavke;
n92. those which are subject of international agreements covering supplies of goods, contracting works or rendering services or public design contests which are intended for joint implementation or exploitation of a project by the countries or organizations which concluded such agreement; n92) po osnovu međunarodnog sporazuma koji se odnosi na isporuke dobara, izvođenje radova, pružanje usluga ili javne konkurse za nacrte, kojim je predviđena zajednička primena ili eksploatacija projekta od strane država, odnosno organizacija koje su ga zaključile;