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 INTERA, 2004, ID: 6.116.1[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 522 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 522 rečenica) [pdf]
n14.17.1. General n1Opšte
n2Freedom of movement is guaranteed by the Constitutional Charter, as well as by constitutions of member states. n2Ustavnom poveljom, kao i republičkim ustavima garantuje se sloboda kretanja.
n3Article 13 of the Constitutional Charter proclaims free movement of persons, goods, services and capital in SaM (para. 1), and prohibits the setting of any obstacles to their free flow between the states of Serbia and Montenegro (para. 2). n3Članom 13 Ustavne povelje proglašava se slobodnim kretanje ljudi, robe, usluga i kapitala u SCG (st. 1), a zabranjuje se sprečavanje njihovog slobodnog protoka između države Srbije i države Crne Gore (st. 2).
n4Freedom of movement is regulated in more detail in the HR Charter (Art. 37). n4Sloboda kretanja detaljnije je regulisana Poveljom o ljudskim pravima (čl. 37).
n5The most important change with respect to the former Federal Constitution is that now, in the relevant part of the HR Charter, the right to freedom of movement and settlement, as well as the right to leave and return to the state union is guaranteed to everyone who is legally present in the territory of SaM. n5Najbitnija izmena u odnosu na bivši Ustav SRJ jeste da se sada, na istom mestu u Povelji o ljudskim pravima, pravo na slobodu kretanja i nastanjivanja, kao i pravo napuštanja i vraćanja u državnu zajednicu garantuje svakome ko se zakonito nalazi na teritoriji SCG.
n6Before, this freedom was guaranteed by one article only to citizens, while all rights and liberties of aliens were guaranteed by one general provision (Art. 66 (1)). n6Ranije je jednim članom ova sloboda bila garantovana samo građanima, dok su sva prava i slobode stranaca bila zajemčena jednom uopštenom odredbom (čl. 66, st. 1).
n7Their movement is regulated by the Movement and Residence of Aliens Act (Sl. list SFRJ, Nos. 56/80, 53/85, 30/89, 26/90, 53/91; Sl. list SRJ, Nos. 16/93, 31/93, 41/93, 53/93, 24/94, 28/96). n7Njihovo kretanje regulisano je Zakonom o kretanju i boravku stranaca (Sl. list SFRJ, br. 56/80, 53/85, 30/89, 26/90 i 53/91; Sl. list SRJ, br. 16/93, 31/93, 41/93, 53/93, 24/94 i 28/96).
n8This Act is in some parts restrictive and in certain cases leaves matters related to movement and residence of aliens to the Ministry of Interior, with broad guidelines for decision making. n8Ovaj zakon je u nekim delovima restriktivan, a poslove u vezi s kretanjem i boravkom stranaca u pojedinim slučajevima prepušta organima unutrašnjih poslova dajući im pri tom preširoko postavljene smernice za donošenje odluka.
n9Similarly to the former federal constitution, the separation of provisions that guarantee the freedoms of national and foreign citizens is reflected in the constitutions of member states. n9Slično ranijem saveznom ustavu, razdvajanje odredaba u kojima se garantuju slobode domaćih i stranih državljana, sadrže i ustavi država članica.