En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 621 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 621 rečenica)
n1 | Foreword | n1 | Predgovor |
n2 | The most difficult part of our history is the inherited situations. | n2 | Najteži dio naše istorije su zatečena stanja. |
n3 | A well-meaning person can hardly find another country in Europe where, when a new era sets in, one can conclude that what the old times have left us is zero. | n3 | Teško dobronamjernik može naći neku drugu zemlju u Evropi gdje, kada dođe novo vrijeme, može da zaključi kako je staro vrijeme ostavilo iza sebe nulu. |
n4 | And the inherited situation that the new generation here has found itself in is almost zero. | n4 | A zatečeno stanje ovdje za novu generaciju skoro da je ravno nuli. |
n5 n6 | Whether this is so because we have built our house in the middle of the road used by the East to travel to the West and by the West to travel to the East, I do not know. The fact is, however, that every now and then we find our house destroyed, after a war, and the new generation concludes that the situation they find themselves in equals almost zero. | n5 n6 | Da li je to tako zato što smo našu kuću napravili na sred puta kojim je Istok putovao na Zapad a Zapad na Istok - ne znam, ali činjenica je da je naša kuća svako malo, poslije rata, srušena, a nova generacija zaključuje da je zatečeno stanje gotovo ravno nuli. |
n7 | Our houses often get destroyed, either by somebody else or by ourselves. | n7 | Naša kuća se često ruši - sruši je neko drugi ili mi to učinimo sami. |
n8 | In the wars fought here in the 1990's, but also at later times, we rolled on zeros and the data in this Report shows that we fought in our customary fashion our wars have always raised old issues anew, added fresh salt to old wounds and have never, ever solved any problems, they have just posed new questions and created new problems. | n8 | U ratovima od 1992, ali i kasnije, kotrljali smo se na nulama, a podaci u ovom izvještaju govore da smo ratovali po starom običaju uvijek su naši ratovi pokretali stara pitanja, produbljivali stare rane i nikada nisu riješili niti jedan problem, nego su samo postavili nova pitanja i nove probleme. |
n9 | This study, A Brave New Generation, provides facts and figures resulting from the recent wars. | n9 | Studija Hrabra nova generacija donosi podatke, brojeve, koji su proizvedeni tek minulim ratovanjem. |
n10 | These unfortunate figures seem to have originated from those eternal zeros that we have been dealing with throughout history these are statistics warning us that the time has come to get off the wagon rolling along on zeros. | n10 | Ti nesrećni brojevi kao da su nastali iz tih vječnih nula sa kojima mi poslujemo kroz istoriju, to su statistike koje upozoravaju da je došlo vrijeme za iskrcavanje sa kola koja se kotrljaju na nulama. |