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En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 269 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 269 rečenica) [pdf]
n21. Subject n21. Predmet
n3Article 1 n3član 1.
n4The rights, obligations and responsibilities on the basis of labour shall be regulated by this Law and special laws, in accordance with ratified international conventions. n4Prava, obaveze i odgovornosti po osnovu rada uređuju se zakonom i posebnim zakonom, u skladu sa potvrđenim međunarodnim konvencijama.
n5The rights, obligations and responsibilities under Paragraph 1 of this article shall also be regulated by the collective contract or by the rules on labour (hereinafter referred to as the bylaw) or by the labour contract. n5Prava, obaveze i odgovornosti iz stava 1. ovog člana, uređuju se kolektivnim ugovorom ili pravilnikom o radu (u daljem tekstu: opšti akt), ili ugovorom o radu.
n6Article 2 n6član 2.
n7The provisions of this Law shall apply to employees working in the territory of the Republic of Serbia with a domestic or foreign legal or natural person (hereinafter referred to as the employer), as well as to employees that the employer has sent to work abroad. n7Odredbe ovog zakona primenjuju se na zaposlene koji rade na teritoriji Republike Srbije, kod domaćeg ili stranog pravnog, odnosno fizičkog lica (u daljem tekstu: poslodavac), kao i na zaposlene koji su upućeni na rad u inostranstvo od strane poslodavca.
n8The provisions of this law shall also apply to employees of state organs and organisations, organs and organisations of units of territorial autonomy and local self-government, and public services, unless otherwise provided by the law. n8Odredbe ovog zakona primenjuju se i na zaposlene u državnim organima i organizacijama, organima i organizacijama jedinice teritorijalne autonomije i lokalne samouprave i javnim službama, ako zakonom nije drukčije određeno.
n9The provisions of this Law shall apply to foreign nationals working with an employer in the territory of the Republic of Serbia, unless otherwise provided by the law. n9Odredbe ovog zakona primenjuju se na zaposlene strane državljane koji rade kod poslodavca na teritoriji Republike Srbije, ako zakonom nije drukčije određeno.