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En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 275 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 275 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Article 42 n1Član 42.
n2The license for organizing special games of chance in gaming-houses shall not be conceded to other persons. n2Dozvola za priređivanje posebnih igara na sreću u igračnicama ne može se prenositi na druga lica.
n3Procedure for Giving License n3Postupak davanja dozvole
n4Article 43 n4Član 43.
n5The license for organizing special games of chance in gaming-houses shall be given through a tender which shall be published in daily papers, in line with a procedure determined by the Government. n5Dozvola za priređivanje posebnih igara na sreću u igračnicama daje se na osnovu tendera, objavljenog u dnevnoj štampi, na način i po postupku koji odredi Vlada.
n6The license shall be given only to the participant in the tender meeting the following conditions: n6Dozvola se može dati samo učesniku na tenderu koji ispunjava sledeće uslove:
n71. the participant is a legal entity with a registered office in the territory of the Republic; n71) ima status pravnog lica sa sedištem na teritoriji Republike;
n82. the participant shall undertake an obligation to organize games of chance continuously, for the games organized on a regular basis; n82) preuzme obavezu da priređuje igre na sreću bez prekida kod redovnog priređivanja igara;
n93. the participant shall produce proof of having the principal capital as required by this Law; n93) obezbedi dokaz da ima osnovni kapitalm u visini određenoj ovim zakonom;