En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 135 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 135 rečenica)
n2 | Article 63 | n2 | Älan 63. |
n3 | The NBS shall issue and revoke operating licenses, perform supervision of banks and other financial institutions, and take other measures in accordance with the law governing the operation of banks and other financial institutions. | n3 | Narodna banka Srbije izdaje i oduzima dozvole za rad, vrĹĄi kontrolu boniteta i zakonitosti poslovanja banaka i drugih finansijskih organizacija i preduzima druge mere u skladu sa zakonom kojim se ureÄuje poslovanje banaka i drugih finansijskih organizacija. |
n4 | The NBS shall adopt regulations laying down the prudential banking standards. | n4 | Narodna banka Srbije donosi propise kojima se utvrÄuju standardi opreznog bankarskog poslovanja. |
n5 | Article 64 | n5 | Älan 64. |
n6 | In performing supervision referred to in Article 63 of this Law, the NBS shall have the right to examine the books and other documentation of banks and other financial institutions, as well as of legal entities connected by ownership, managing or business relations with the bank or the other financial institution which is the subject of supervision. | n6 | Pri vrĹĄenju kontrole iz Älana 63. ovog zakona, Narodna banka Srbije ima pravo uvida u poslovne knjige i drugu dokumentaciju banaka i drugih finansijskih organizacija, kao i pravnih lica koja su s bankom, odnosno drugom finansijskom organizacijom koja je predmet kontrole povezana imovinskim, upravLjaÄkim ili poslovnim odnosima. |
n7 | The NBS shall prescribe, in further detail, the conditions and manner of performing the supervisory function in accordance with this and other laws. | n7 | Narodna banka Srbije propisuje bliĹže uslove i naÄin vrĹĄenja kontrolne funkcije, u skladu s ovim i drugim zakonom. |
n8 | Article 65 | n8 | Älan 65. |
n9 | The NBS shall cooperate with foreign institutions responsible for banking supervision and domestic bodies and institutions responsible for supervision in the field of financial transactions, [4] with an aim of promoting the supervisory function of the NBS. | n9 | Narodna banka Srbije saraÄuje sa stranim institucijama nadleĹžnim za kontrolu poslovanja banaka i domaÄim organima i institucijama nadleĹžnim za nadzor u oblasti finansijskog poslovanja, u ciLju unapreÄenja kontrolne funkcije Narodne banke Srbije. |