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 Marić, 2002, No. 9, ID: 3.2002.9.1[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 30 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 30 rečenica) [pdf]
n2mr Igor Maric, Institute of architecture and urban and spatial planning of Serbia, Belgrade n2mr Igor Marić, Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, Beograd
n3With the progress of the concept to abandon massive industrial systems, the idea emerged, quite reasonably, of the societal need for models, which are competitive, flexible and multifunctional. n3Sasvim je prirodno da se razvojem ideje o napuštanju velikih industrijskih sistema oblikovala ideja o potrebi društva za modelima koji su konkurentni, fleksibilni i multifunkcionalni.
n4It took some time for new programmes to go hand in hand with adequate architectural solutions. n4Za nove programe bilo je potrebno vreme da se pojave i adekvatni arhitektonski predlošci.
n5At the start, not much thought was paid to architecture but to function, the produce was important. n5U početku se nije mnogo razmišljalo o arhitekturi već više o funkciji, važan je bio proizvod.
n6In the time of country’s isolation and the spread of the commingled quasi-stiles subculture, construction readability as to the use was almost impossible. n6U vreme zatvorenosti države i širenja subkulture, mešavine kvazistilova, prepoznatljivost građevine prema njenoj nameni bila je skoro nemoguća.
n7Without entering upon a detailed analysis, nowadays, the change is obvious in exploring the ways that small entrepreneurship gets adequate small business facilities, which are not anonymous halls or unsuited buildings. n7Bez ulaženja u dublju analizu zbog čega je danas vidna promena u traženju načina da mala privreda dobije adekvatne male privredne objekte koji nisu anonimne hale ili već pomenuti neprimereni objekti.
n8The reopening towards the world, the marketability, but also a safer and definitive orientation of the state and individuals, slowly beget fathomable buildings, which in the best tradition of the working and living culture present the investor and the author. n8Izlazak u svet, težnja ka marketingu, ali i sigurnija i definitivna orijentacija i države i pojedinaca, polako iznedravaju građevine koje su prepoznatljive i koje u najboljoj tradiciji kulture rada i života prezentuju investitora i stvaraoca.
n9The time when architects were avoided or unwillingly put up with has gone, so that more realised building are done by authors now. n9Vreme kada je arhitekta bio izbegavan, ili samo nužno zlo, kao da postaje prošlost, tako da sve više takvih realizacija imaju potpisane autore.