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 Marić, 2007, No. 7, ID: 3.2000.7.1[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 33 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 33 rečenica) [pdf]
n1New housing business buildings n1Novi stambeno-poslovni objekti
n2mr Igor Maric, Institute of architecture and urban and spatial planning of Serbia, Belgrade n2mr Igor Marić, Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, Beograd
n3At the very stait, l deliberated whether it is appropriate to commence the title with the word “new". n3Na samom početku sam se pitao da li je naslov koji počinje rečju ''novi'' odgovarajaući.
n4Two of three case studies chosen here, were conceived and designed some ten years ago, yet were carried out only in the two last years. n4Dva od tri primera izabrana za ovu priliku su zamišljeni i projektovani pre desetak godina, a izvedeni i završeni prethodne ili ove godine.
n5This is nothing unusual in our circumstances and does not diminish their actuality, which has been connrmed by the acknowledgement and the prizes these pro-jects won1. n5Za naše uslove nimalo neuobičajeno ali ne umanjuje aktuelnost njihove izgradnje, a to potvrđuju i nagrade za ostvarenje koje je su im dodeljene.
n6The third example was designed in the period between 1996 and 19982. n6Treći primer je projektovan i izveden o '96 do '98 godine.
n7What seems to explicate the acknowledgement of these projects is based on their differences, but also their partial similarities. n7Ono što mi se čini da objašnjava ovakav izbor je njihova različitost ali i delimična sličnost.
n8All three examples are the continuationof the already imminent urban entity, yet on utterly different locations. n8Sva tri primera su nastavak započete urbanističke celine ali na sasvim različitim lokacijama.
n9The housing bloc in Bulevar Kralja Aleksandra l, in Belgrade, is the building progression in accordance to the model of the inherited urban matrix, following the street regulation and with a clear urban conception of the bloc construction with an internal courtyard3. n9Blok kuća u Bulevaru kralja Aleksandra I u Beogradu je nastavak izgradnje po uzoru na nasleđenu gradsku matricu, postavljen na regulaciju ulice, urbanistički jasnog koncepta blokovske izgradnje sa unutrašnjim dvorištem.