En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 6 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 6 rečenica)
n1 | W3 | n1 | W3 |
n2 | Corpus analysis: textometry, TXM and other tools | n2 | Analiza korpusa: tekstometrija, TXM i drugi alati |
n3 | Organizers: | n3 | Organizatori: |
n4 | TESLA project team: Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev i Duško Vitas (University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mining and Geology and Language Resources and Technologies Society) | n4 | Tim projekta TESLA: Ranka Stanković, Cvetana Krstev i Duško Vitas (Univerzitet u Beogradu – Rudarsko-geološki fakultet i Društvo za jezičke resurse i tehnologije JeRTeh) |
n5 | The workshop is intended for everyone who is interested in modern techniques and methods in the processing of natural languages. Participants will first get acquainted with the concept and methods of textometric analysis embedded in the TXM tool, and then with the models and resources developed for the Serbian language by the Society for Language Resources and Technologies JeRTeh. | n5 | Radionica je namenjena svima koje interesuju savremene tehnike i metode u obradi prirodnih jezika. Polaznici će se prvo upoznati sa konceptom i metodama tekstometrijske analize ugrađenim u alat TXM, a potom i modelima i resursima koje je za srpski jezik razvilo Društvo za jezičke resurse i tehnologije JeRTeh. |
n6 | The goal of the workshop is to show the participants how they can use textometric analysis on ready-made Jerteh corpora, and then create their own corpora. The second part of the workshop will be devoted to the creation and textometric analysis of own corpora using the TXM tool. Texts from the corpus of Serbian novels (1840–1920) SrpELTeC will be prepared for the exercises. | n6 | Cilj radionice je da pokaže polaznicima kako mogu da koriste tekstometrijsku analizu nad gotovim korpusima Jerteh-a, a potom i da kreiraju sopstvene korpuse. Drugi deo radionice biće posvećen kreiranju i tekstometrijskoj analizi sopstvenih korpusa korišćenjem alata TXM. Za vežbe će biti pripremljeni tekstovi iz korpusa srpskih romana (1840–1920) SrpELTeC . |