En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 17 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 17 rečenica)
n1 | Associate Professor Ana Kovačević | n1 | vanredni profesor Ana Kovačević |
n2 | Faculty of Security Studies, Belgrade University | n2 | Fakultet bezbednosti, Univerzitet u Beograd |
n3 | kana@fb.bg.ac.rs | n3 | kana@fb.bg.ac.rs |
n4 | Fake News and Generative Artificial Intelligence: Risks and Potential Solutions | n4 | VLažne Vesti i Generativna Veštačka Inteligencija: rizici i moguća rešenja |
n5 | The fake news phenomenon has been present since the very dawn of human communication, with repeated exposure to false information often resulting in its acceptance as truth. | n5 | Fenomen lažnih vesti je prisutan od samih početaka ljudske komunikacije, a ponovljeno izlaganje lažnim informacijama često dovodi do njihovog prihvatanja kao istinitih. |
n6 | In contemporary society, however, fake news has become extremely dangerous due to the simple, inexpensive, and convincing way it can be created using generative artificial intelligence, and large language models in particular. | n6 | Međutim, u savremenom društvu, lažne vesti postaju izuzetno opasne zbog njihovog jednostavnog, jeftinog i uverljivog načina kreiranja pomoću generativne veštačke inteligencije, posebno velikih jezičkih modela. |
n7 | These models, which continue to make significant advancements, enable the generation of large volumes of content which appear credible, even in the Serbian language. | n7 | Ovi modeli, koji su doživeli značajan napredak, omogućavaju generisanje velike količine sadržaja koji zvuči verodostojno i na srpskom jeziku. |
n8 | In addition, such models facilitate the creation of personalised content tailored to certain groups or individuals, citing seemingly credible sources, and thus serving to further strengthen the impact of fake news. | n8 | Pored toga, omogućeno je kreiranje personalizovanog sadržaja specifičnog za određene grupe ili pojedince, uz navođenje navodno kredibilnih izvora, što dodatno pojačava uticaj lažnih vesti. |
n9 | In a world inundated with information, this problem has become even more pronounced. | n9 | U svetu preopterćenom informacijama, ovaj problem postaje još izraženiji. |