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En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 111 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 111 rečenica) [pdf]
n1ABSTRACT: The paper will present the results of the project “It-Sr-NER: Web services for named entities recognition, linking and mapping,” in which teams from the University of Turin and the Society for Language Resources and Technologies JeRTeh participated, and whose goal was the development of the It-Sr-NER web service for named entity annotations in the text and displaying them on the map. n1SAŽETAK: U radu će biti predstavljeni rezultati projekta “It-Sr-NER: Web services for named entities recognition, linking and mapping”, u kom su učestvovali timovi Univerziteta u Torinu i Društva za jezičke resurse i tehnologije JeRTeh, a čiji cilj je bio razvoj veb servisa It-Sr-NER za obeležavanje imenovanih entiteta u tekstu i njihovo prikazivanje na karti.
n2Named entities in these services are names of persons, places, organizations, demonyms (ethnicities), events and works of art. n2Imenovani entiteti u ovim servisima su imena osoba, mesta, organizacije, demonimi (etnici), događaji i autorska dela.
n3KEYWORDS: parallel corpora, named entities, NER, NEL, geoparsing, Serbian, Italian, web services. n3KLjUČNE REČI: paralelni korpusi, imenovani entiteti, prepoznavanje imenovanih entiteta, povezivanje imenovanih entiteta, geoparsiranje, srpski, italijanski, veb servisi.
n4The lack of tools and resources that enable the annotation, research and analysis of bilingually aligned (parallel ) Italian-Serbian texts was the main motivation and inspiration for starting this project. n4Nedostatak alata i resursa koji omogućavaju anotaciju, istraživanje i analizu dvojezično poravnatih (paralelizovanih) italijansko-srpskih tekstova je bila osnovna motivacija i inspiracija za pokretanje ovakvog projekta.
n5In the didactics of foreign languages in Serbia, there is an almost complete absence of corpus tools in teaching (Vitaz and Poletanović 2020), while on an individual level and through personal initiatives in the teaching of the Serbian language as a foreign language in Italy and the Italian language in Serbia, it has been shown that corpora in teaching are significant in many ways and that students are glad to accept and apply them in shared work, but also in independent research (Moderc 2015a; Perišić 2021). n5U didaktici stranih jezika u Srbiji beleži se gotovo potpuno odsustvo korpusnih alata u nastavi (Vitaz and Poletanović 2019), dok se na individualnom planu i putem ličnih inicijativa u nastavi srpskog jezika kao stranog u Italiji i italijanskog jezika u Srbiji pokazalo da su korpusi u nastavi mnogostruko značajni i da ih studenti rado prihvataju i primenjuju u zajedničkom radu, ali i samostalnim istraživanjima (Moderc 2015; Perišić 2021).
n6The rich and sophisticated morphology of the Serbian language provides for the declension of toponyms and other named entities that foreign students are not always able to recognize and reduce to their basic form. n6Bogata i istančana morfologija srpskog jezika predviđa deklinaciju toponima i ostalih imenovanih entiteta koje strani studenti nisu uvek u stanju da prepoznaju i svedu na njihov osnovni oblik.
n7Some of the reasons are the same endings for the masculine and neuter gender in most cases, the presence of certain toponyms only in the plural form, the so-called pluralia tantum (Pljevlja, Divčibare, etc.), but also phonetic transcription of foreign names as well as some orthographic inconsistencies (Витас and Павловић-Лажетић 2008). n7Neki od razloga su jedinstveni nastavci za muški i srednji rod u većini padeža, prisustvo pojedinih toponima u formi množine, tzv. pluralia tantum (Pljevlja, Divčibare itd.), ali i fonetska transkripcija stranih imena kao i neke ortografske nedoslednosti (Vitas and Pavlović-Lažetić 2008).
n8As part of the "Bridging Gaps" call of the European infrastructure for language resources and technologies CLARIN (Common Language Resources & Technology Infrastructure), a team of experts from the University of Turin and the Society for Language Resources and Technologies JeRTeh joined forces and developed web services for annotating named entities in text, ensuring their linking with Wikidata, as well as geoparsing, i.e. geolocation of recognized locations and their display on the map. n8U okviru poziva “Bridging Gaps” evropske infrastrukture za jezičke resurse i tehnologije CLARIN (Common Language Resources & Technology Infrastructure), tim stručnjaka Univerziteta u Torinu i Društva za jezičke resurse i tehnologije JeRTeh udružio je snage i razvio veb servise za obeležavanje imenovanih entiteta u tekstu, obezbedio njihovo povezivanje sa vikipodacima, kao i geoparsiranje, tj. geolociranje prepoznatih lokacija i njihovo prikazivanje na mapi.
n9Named entities in these services are names of persons, places, organizations, demonyms (ethnicities), events and works of art. n9Imenovani entiteti u ovim servisima su imena osoba, mesta, organizacije, demonimi (etnici), događaji i autorska dela.