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 Digital repository of the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Chemistry / Ana Đorđević = Digitalni repozitorijum Univerziteta u Beogradu - Hemijskog fakulteta / Ana Đorđević[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 246 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 246 rečenica) [pdf]
n1ABSTRACT: The paper presents the principles underlying the functions of the Cherry digital repository at the University of Belgrade – Faculty of Chemistry, and the Innovation Center, and explains why it was decided to use the DSpace software for the first repository of institution. n1SAŽETAK: U radu su predstavljeni principi funkcionisanja Cherry digitalnog repozitorijuma Hemijskog fakulteta i Inovacionog centra, kao i razlozi zbog kojih je odlučeno da prvi institutski repozitorijum bude u DSpace softveru otvorenog koda.
n2Researchers’ questions were considered during procedures of depositing new items in Cherry, as well as the answers provided by librarians during administrative data control. n2Razmotrena su pitanja istraživača prilikom unosa novih radova u Cherry i odgovori bibliotekara u toku administratorske kontrole podataka.
n3The research part of this paper deals with the repository visit statis-tics based on Google Analytics and the conclusions that lead to the main goal – to increase the visibility and potential citations of research outputs. n3Istraživački deo rada bavi se statističkim podacima posećenosti repozitorijuma zasnovanim na Google Analytics platformi i zaključcima koji vode do glavnog cilja - povećanja vidljivosti i potencijalne citiranosti naučno-istraživačkih rezultata u sastavu repozitorijuma.
n4KEYWORDS: Cherry, digital repository, open science, citation, Faculty of Chemistry, Library n4KLjUČNE REČI: Cherry, digitalni repozitorijum, otvorena nauka, citiranost, Hemijski fakultet, biblioteka.
n5The expansion of scholarly publishing in an electronic format has brought great changes and challenges in the 21st century. n5Ekspanzija objavljivanja naučnih radova u elektronskoj formi donela je velike promene i izazove za 21. vek.
n6On the one hand, the complete change in the concept of the dissemination of scholarly papers has made the whole process easier due to the fact that electronic versions of papers are easier to distribute, but on the other hand, it has significantly limited the rights of authors and the balance regarding funding. n6Potpuna promena koncepta umnožavanja naučnih radova sa jedne strane je olakšala ceo proces jer je elektronsku verziju lakše distribuirati, ali sa druge strane je znatno umanjila prava autora i ravnotežu u pogledu finansiranja.
n7The easier distribution of scholarly papers in an electronic format is sometimes merely an illusion because many publications are behind a paywall. n7Lakše distribuiranje radova može da bude i privid jer od vrste publikacije zavisi i njena eventualna dostupnost.
n8In practice, the author of a paper often transfers copyright to the publisher by signing a standard contract. As soon as the contract is signed by both parties, the publisher gains the right to determine the availability of the publication because the publisher has formally become the owner of the publication in question. n8Česti su slučajevi da autori tipskim ugovorom prenose prava na izdavača, a kada do toga dođe izdavači određuju nivo dostupnosti određene publikacije jer su formalno oni njeni vlasnici.
n9The problems regarding publishing policies have been identified globally, and there seems to be only one solution – open science. n9Problemi sa izdavačkim politikama uočeni su na globalnom nivou, a rešenje je samo jedno - otvorena nauka.