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 Digital Library “The Great War” – development and results / Biljana Kalezić = Digitalna biblioteka „Veliki rat“ – razvoj i rezultati / Biljana Kalezić[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 123 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 123 rečenica) [pdf]
n2While working on the project Europeana collections 1914–1918, the expert team of the National Library of Serbia made a decision to create a separate, thematic digital library, which would contain materials from the period of the World War I related to Serbia and the Serbian people. n2Tokom rada na projektu Europeana collections 1914–1918, stručni tim Narodne biblioteke Srbije je doneo odluku da se formira posebna, tematska digitalna biblioteka, koja će sadržati građu nastalu u periodu Prvog svetskog rata, vezanu za Srbiju i srpski narod.
n3The paper gives an overview of the process and all the stages involved in the development of the portal and digital library The Great War. n3U radu je dat pregled toka i faza rada na razvoju portala i digitalne biblioteke Veliki rat.
n4With the help of Google Analytics service, conclusions and basic statistics on the use and users of this digital library were presented. n4Zahvaljujući servisu Google Analytics, izvedeni su zaključci i dati osnovni statistički podaci o korišćenju i korisnicima ove digitalne biblioteke.
n5KEYWORDS: digital library, The Great War, the First World War, National Library of Serbia, development, users, statistics. n5KLjUČNE REČI: digitalna biblioteka, Veliki rat, Prvi svetski rat, Narodna biblioteka Srbije, razvoj, korisnici, statistika.
n6On the occasion of marking the centennial since the beginning of the First World War, the International Foundation Europeana1 launched several projects in 2012: n6Povodom obeležavanja stogodišnjice od početka Prvog svetskog rata, Međunarodna fondacija Europeana1 je 2012. godine pokrenula nekoliko projekata:
n7Europeana collections 1914–1918,2 Europeana 1914–19183 and EFG1914. n7Europeana collections 1914–1918 2, Europeana 1914– 1918 i EFG1914.
n8All of these projects had a common goal – to digitize publications and objects from the 1914–1918 period and make them available to public, as well as materials from a later period that are thematically related to the First World War (Калезић, 2014). n8Svi ovi projekti su imali zajednički cilj – da se digitalizuju i javno dostupnim učine publikacije i objekti nastali u periodu 1914–1918. godine, kao i građa iz kasnijeg perioda koja je tematski vezana za Prvi svetski rat (Kalezić, 2014).
n9The basic idea of the Europeana collections 1914-1918 project was to digitize and make available online materials from the collections of nine national libraries of the countries that participated in this historical conflict on different sides. n9Ideja projekta Europeana collections 1914–1918 je da se iz devet nacionalnih biblioteka zemalja koje su na različitim stranama učestvovale u ovom istorijskom konfliktu, digitalizuje građa iz njihovih fondova i postane raspoloživa onlajn.