En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 117 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 117 rečenica)
n1 | ABSTRACT: | n1 | SAŽETAK: |
n2 | The paper presents the involvement of the Institute for the Serbian Language of SASA (ISL SASA) into the world of digital repositories. | n2 | Ovim radom želeli bismo da predstavimo slučaj priključivanja Instituta za srpski jezik SANU (ISJ SANU) svetu digitalnih repozitorijuma. |
n3 | The ISL SASA was one of the first institutions in Serbia to have an institutional repository (2017). Before that, scarce research out-puts of the ISL SASA were available online whereas the available resources remained invisible to major international infrastructures. In developing the repository, the role of the ISL SASA librarian has been crucial. It involved repository management, verifying the metadata accuracy, preserving digital content and further dissemination. | n3 | Namera nam je da predstavimo osnovne faze uspešno sprovedene Platforme Ministarstva u ISJ SANU. U periodu od jedne godine u ISJ SANU pripremljeno je preko 100.000 stranica digitalnog teksta koje čine 2.500 zapisa punog teksta. |
n4 n5 | More than 100,000 pages (2500 full-text records in the repository) were digitized in one year. This has significantly improved the international visibility of Serbian linguistic humanities. | n4 n5 | Ovim poduhvatom realizovanim u okviru koncepta otvorene nauke omogućeno je da srpska jezička humanistika postane vidljiva u svetu. |
n6 | KEYWORDS: Digital Repository, Institutional Repository, DAIS, DSpace, Open Science, Self-Archiving, Digital Humanistics. | n6 | KLjUČNE REČI: digitalni repozitorijum, institucionalni repozitorijum, DAIS, otvorena nauka, samoarhiviranje, digitalna humanistika. |
n7 | The Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development adopted the Open Science Platform in 2018 (Platforma, 2018). | n7 | Godine 2018. Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja usvaja Platformu za otvorenu nauku (Platforma, 2018). |
n8 | This Platform, which is based on the principles of Open Science and European Commission guidelines in this field, has introduced an obligation for individuals and institutions to make their own scientific production, which is publicly funded, also publicly available and to deposit it in a digital repository. | n8 | Ova Platforma, koja se zasniva na principima otvorene nauke i smernicama Evropske komisije u toj oblasti, uvodi obavezu za pojedince i institucije da deo svoje naučne produkcije koji je javno finansiran učini dostupnim široj javnosti deponovanjem u neki digitalni repozitorijum. |
n9 | In order to meet the “transparency of scientific communication and methodology” and to ensure the availability of scientific production, it was necessary to develop the appropriate digital infrastructure, which in Serbia did not exist. | n9 | Kako bi se poštovala „transparentnost naučne komunikacije i metodologije“ i obezbedila dostupnost naučne produkcije, bilo je potrebno pristupiti razvoju odgovarajuće digitalne infrastrukture, koja u Srbiji nije postojala. |
n10 | The open approach in this document is defined as “the right of every Internet user to read, download, store, print and use digital content of publications without financial expense”. | n10 | Otvoreni pristup u ovom dokumentu definiše se kao „pravo svakog korisnika interneta da bez finansijskih izdataka čita, preuzima, čuva, štampa i koristi digitalni sadržaj publikacija“. |