En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 214 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 214 rečenica)
n1 | ABSTRACT: | n1 | SAŽETAK: |
n2 | The paper analyses the process of creation and processing of the Yu-goslav rock song lyrics corpus from 1967 to 2003, from the theoretical and practical perspective. | n2 | U radu se sa teorijskog i praktičnog aspekta analizira proces obrazovanja i obrade korpusa tekstova jugoslovenskih rok pesama od 1967-2003. |
n3 | The data have been obtained and XML-annotated using the Python programming language and the libraries lyricsmaster/yattag. | n3 | Za preuzimanje građe i XML anotiranje korišćene su biblioteke lyricsmaster i yattag u jeziku Python. |
n4 | The corpus has been preprocessed and basic statistical data have been generated by the XSL transformation. | n4 | Korpus je prošao fazu preprocesiranja, a XSL transformacijom generisani su osnovni statistički podaci. |
n5 | The diacritic restoration has been carried out in the Slovo Majstor and LeXimir tools (the latter application has also been used for generating the frequency analysis). | n5 | U aplikacijama Slovo Majstor i LeXimir sprovedena je restauracija dijakritika (a u drugoj aplikaciji i frekvencijska analiza). |
n6 | The extraction of socio-cultural topics has been performed using the Unitex software, whereas the prevailing topics have been visualised with the TreeCloud software. | n6 | Pronalaženje društveno-političkih tema vršeno je u softveru Unitex, dok su preovlađujuće teme vizualizovane u TreeCloud aplikaciji. |
n7 | KEYWORDS: corpus linguistics, Yugoslav rock and roll, web scraping, natural language processing, text mining. | n7 | KLjUČNE REČI: korpusna lingvistika, jugoslovenski rokenrol, grebanje veba, obrada prirodnih jezika, kopanje po tekstu. |
n8 | Music analysts, sociologists and anthropologists unanimously agree that the Yugoslav rock and roll (also known as the Yu rock) had left a deep impact on the territory of the former Yugoslavia. | n8 | Muzički analitičari, sociolozi i antropolozi se jednoglasno slažu u oceni da je jugoslovenski rokenrol (poznatiji i kao Yu rok) ostavio dubokog traga na prostorima bivše Jugoslavije. |
n9 | It is a musical style that was conceived in 1961, along with the appearance of the bands Uragani, Bijele Strijele and Siluete, while during the same decade the groups Crveni Koralji (1962), Zlatni Dečaci (1962) and Korni Grupa (1968) were formed (Janjatović, 1998). | n9 | U pitanju je muzički stil koji je začet 1961. godine, sa pojavom grupa Uragani, Bijele Strijele i Siluete, a tokom iste decenije osnovani su i sastavi Crveni Koralji (1962), Zlatni Dečaci (1962) i Korni Grupa (1968) (Janjatović, 1998). |