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 COBISS Conference 2018 – 30th Anniversary / Emina Čano Tomić = Konferencija COBISS 2018 – 30 godina sistema / Emna Čano Tomić[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 30 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 30 rečenica) [pdf]
n1COBISS Conference 2018 took place from 27th to 29th December at the premises of the Institute of Information Science in Maribor (IZUM). n1Konferencija COBISS 2018 održana je od 27. do 29. decembra u prostorijama Instituta informacijskih znanosti u Mariboru.
n2The first conference of this kind took place in 1998, while this year’s event was a celebration of the 30th anniversary of introducing the shared cataloguing system in the territory of former Yugoslavia. n2Prva ovakva konferencija održana je 1998. godine, a ovogodišnja je u znaku svojevrsnog jubileja – trideset godina od uspostavljana sistema uzajamne katalogizacije na prostorima bivše Jugoslavije.
n3As a part of the development project of the Scientific and Technological Information System of Yugoslavia (SNTIJ), in 1988 the Institute of Information Science in Maribor was in charge of the task of a shared cataloguing system development which resulted in COBISS system, COBISS.SR and networks. n3Institut informacijskih znanosti je 1988. godine na osnovu projekta SNTIJ (Sistem naučne i tehnološke informacije Jugoslavije) započeo razvoj sistema uzajamne katalogizacije, iz koga su proistekli bibliotečko-informacioni sistem COBISS i mreže COBISS.SR i
n4Over the past three decades many experts from Serbia and other parts of former Yugoslavia have been working on the development and implementation of this system. n4Tokom ove tri decenije mnogobrojni stručnjaci iz Srbije i sa ostalih prostora bivše Jugoslavije bili su uključeni u razvoj ovog sistema.
n5The first day of the conference was planned out for the librarians from Slovenia while the second and third day were devoted to attending guests from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia and Serbia – which are all members of the network. n5Prvi dan konferencije bio je namenjen bibliotekarima iz Slovenije, dok su drugi i treći posvećeni gostima iz Albanije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Bugarske, Crne Gore, Kosova, Makedonije, Slovenije i Srbije – država članica mreže
n6In its opening speech, Aleš Bošnjak, the Head of IZUM, announced signif-icant changes to the system and revealed the plan of the Institute to switch to COBISS which is in line with the strategic decision to move the entire system to an open source platform over the next several years. n6U pozdravnom obraćanju Aleš Bošnjak, direktor IZUM-a, najavio je značajne promene u sistemu, otkrivši da se planira prelazak na COBISS. U pitanju je strateška odluka da se u toku narednih nekoliko godina ceo postojeći sistem prebaci na platformu sa otvorenim pristupom.
n7The central topic of this Conference was school library and its place within the global bibliographic information network. n7Centralna tema Konferencije bila je školska biblioteka u globalnoj bibliografskoj informacionoj mreži.
n8It was selected in order to mark the completion of the process of connecting all school libraries in Slovenia to COBISS. n8Ova tema je prigodno obeležila završetak projekta uključenja svih školskih biblioteka u Sloveniji u COBISS.
n9Participants from Slovenia emphasized all the advantages of this project for the libraries, while Dorothy Williams, professor at the Robert Gordon University in Scotland, provided a general overview, emphasizing the significance of school libraries for education, based on her extensive research in this field. n9Učesnici iz Slovenije istakli su prednosti koje to ovim bibliotekama donosi, a gost iz inostranstva Doroti Vilijams, profesorka na Univerzitetu Robert Gordon u Škotskoj, na osnovu svojih dugogodišnjih istraživanja osvrnula se na značaj školskih biblioteka u procesu učenja.