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 83rd - IFLA World Library and Information Congress / Jelena Andonovski, Nataša Dakić = 83. Svetski kongres iz oblasti bibliotekarstva i informatike / Jelena Andonovski, Nataša Dakić[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 25 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 25 rečenica) [pdf]
n1The 83rd World Library and Information Congress (WLIC) called Libraries, Solidarity, Society was once again successfully organized by The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA). n1Međunarodna federacija bibliotekarskih udruženja i institucija (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions - IFLA) je po 83. put organizovala Svetski kongres iz oblasti bibliotekarstva i informatike (World Library and Information Congress - WLIC) pod nazivom Libraries, Solidarity, Society.
n2In the period from 19th to 25th August 2017, Wroclaw, the historic capital of Silesia and the fourth largest city in Poland, was home for more than 500 speakers and 3100 delegates from 122 countries all over the world. n2U periodu od 19.08. do 25.08.2017. godine, Vroclav, istorijska prestonica Šleske i četvrti po veličini grad u Poljskoj, bio je dom za više od 500 govornika i 3100 delegata iz 122 zemlje.
n3Serbian Library Association enabled free minibus transfer to Wroclaw for 19 members of the Society, colleagues from all library types. Trip to Wroclaw was realized due to the project “Librarians on the road: n3Bibliotekarsko društvo Srbije (BDS) omogućilo je da 19 kolega, članova Društva iz svih tipova biblioteka, besplatno otputuju minibusom zahvaljujući projektu Društva Bibliotekari na putu:
n41000 kilometers to 1000 ideas” cofinanced by the Association’s funds and project approved by the Ministry of Culture and Information. n41000 kilometara do 1000 ideja koji je sufinansiran iz sredstava Društva i odobrenog projekta na konkursu Ministarstva kulture i informisanja.
n5Thanks to this project, Serbian librarian’s delegation with 30 registered participants was the largest Serbian delegation to IFLA congresses ever. n5Ovaj projekat je značajno doprineo da ovogodišnja delegacija bibliotekara iz naše zemlje postane i najbrojnija srpska delegacija na IFLA kongresima do sada, budući da je među delegatima, bilo 30 registrovanih učesnika iz Srbije.
n6Due to persistence and creativity, the participants from Serbia received well-deserved attention, approval and tribute from the international library community, including now already former, IFLA President Donna Scheeder. n6Učesnici su dobili zasluženu pažnju, pohvale i priznanja međunarodne bibliotečke zajednice, uključujući i sada već bivše predsednicu IFLA Donu Šider, zbog upornosti i inovativnosti.
n7The colleagues who travelled to Wroclaw thanks to the Serbian Library Association had the opportunity to visit different libraries in Slovakia, Czech Republic and Poland: University Library in Bratislava – the oldest and the largest library in Slovakia; Moravian Library in Brno – regional library of the South Moravian Region and the second largest library in the Czech Republic; Public library in Opole; as well as Silesian Library in Katowice – one of the most modern libraries in Poland and the scientific and regional public library. n7Kolege koje su putovale u organizaciji Društva imale su priliku da se tokom puta upoznaju i sa različitim tipovima biblioteka Slovačke, Češke i Poljske. Organizovana je poseta Univerzitetskoj biblioteci u Bratislavi; regionalnoj biblioteci Južnomoravske regije i drugoj po veličini biblioteci u Češkoj – Moravskoj biblioteci u Brnu; Javnoj biblioteci u Opolu; kao i jednoj od najmodernijih biblioteka Poljske, Šleskoj okružnoj biblioteci u Katovicama.
n8After spectacular Opening Session of the 83rd Congress, with the warmest of hugs, Donna Scheeder handed over her presidency to Gloria Perez-Salmeron. n8Nakon spektakularne ceremonije otvaranja 83. Kongresa, upriličena je i svečana primopredaja dužnosti. Dosadašnja predsednica IFLA Dona Šider predala je dužnost Gloriji Perez-Salmeron (Gloria Perez-Salmeron).
n9A new Governing Board was presented with a main task to steer IFLA in these exciting times of transparency, openness and fresh ideas. n9Predstavljen je i novi Upravni odbor čiji je osnovni zadatak da usmeri IFLA-u u ovim uzbudljivim vremenima transparentnosti, otvorenosti i novih ideja.