En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 61 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 61 rečenica)
n1 | Within the framework of COST action1 IC1302 with acronym KEYSTONE (semantic KEYword-based Search on sTructured data sOurcEs), the 2nd KEYSTONE Training School named “Keyword search in Big Linked Data“ was held from 18th to 22th of July 2016 in Santiago de Compostela in Spain. | n1 | U okviru COST akcije1 IC1302 pod nazivom KEYSTONE (se-mantic KEYword-based Search on sTructured data sOurcEs)2 održana je druga istraživačka letnja škola pod nazivom „Keyword search in Big Linked Data“ u periodu od 18. do 22. jula 2016. godine u gradu Santjago de Kompostela u Španiji. |
n2 n3 | The aim of the school was to present current topics in the fast-growing area related to Keyword Search in Big Linked Data. The School was intended mainly for graduate and post-graduate students at the beginning of their academic careers, and was organized by the Centro Singular de Investigaci´on en Tecnolox´ıas da Informaci´on (CiTIUS)3 of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC). | n2 n3 | Cilj škole bio je da se učesnicima predstave aktuelne teme u oblasti koja se brzo razvija, a odnosi se na pretragu velikih količina povezanih podataka (Big Linked Data) zasnovanu na ključnim rečima. Škola je namenjena uglavnom diplomiranim studentima i postdiplomcima na početku njihove akademske karijere, a organizator je bio Centar za istraživanja informacionih tehnologija3 Univerziteta Santjago de Kompostela. |
n4 | The basic idea behind the summer school was the analysis and man-agement of large linked data that especially included topics like: | n4 | Osnovna ideja letnje škole bila je analiza i upravljanje velikim povezanim podacima što je pojedinačno uključilo teme: |
n5 n6 | Big Data, Linked Data, natural language processing (NLP), the Semantic Web and information retrieval (IR). Eight prominent speakers from these areas have prepared interesting materials, which are still publicly available. | n5 n6 | veliki podaci (Big Data), povezani podaci (Linked Data), obrada prirodnog jezika (NLP, Natural Language Processing), semantički veb (Semantic Web) i pronalaženje informacija (IR, Information Retrieval). |
n7 | The summer school was attended by 38 participants from thirteen countries, i.e. from three continents – Europe, America and Africa. | n7 | Osam istaknutih predavača iz ovih oblasti pripremili su interesantan materijal, koji je javno dostupan. |
n8 | The summer school was organized so that the participants had the opportunity to hear lectures by eminent lecturers from different European universities during the morning, while within the afternoon workshop they had the opportunity to try out what they have learned, through practical examples. | n8 | Letnju školu pohađalo je 38 učesnika iz trinaest zemalja sa tri kontinenta – Evrope, Amerike i Afrike. Letnja škola je organizovana tako da su učesnici tokom prepodneva imali priliku da čuju istaknute predavače sa različitih evropskih univerziteta, dok su u okviru popodnevnih radionica na praktičnim primerima mogli da isprobaju naučeno. |
n9 | Also, participants had the opportunity to hear the experiences of representatives of Hewlett Packard as well as the company E~Xenia on “Keyword search in Big Linked Data”. | n9 | Takođe, učesnici su imali priliku da čuju i iskustva predstavnika Hewlett Packard-a kao i firme E ~ Xenio o temi „Keyword search in Big Linked Data“. |
n10 | Laura Po, lecturer at the Department of Engineering of the University of Modena and the Emilia Region6 spoke about research, visualization and query formulation over large data sets of linked data. | n10 | Laura Po, predavač na odseku za inženjerstvo Univerziteta Modena i Ređo Emilija iz Italije, govorila je o istraživanju, vizuelizaciji i postavljanju upita nad velikim skupovima povezanih podataka. |
n11 | The participants were first introduced to the concepts of linked data and open data, how they are published, and their role in the Semantic Web, using very vivid examples. After that she talked about research and query formulation over large sets of linked data. | n11 | Pre svega učesnicima je objašnjeno šta su to povezani podaci, a šta otvoreni podaci, kako se oni publikuju, kakva je njihova uloga u semantičkom vebu, nakon čega se govorilo o istraživanju i postavljanju upita nad velikim skupovima povezanih podataka. |