En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 45 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 45 rečenica)
n1 | Review of the 2015 EUROLAN Summer School in Computational Linguistics | n1 | Prikaz EUROLAN 2015 letnje škole iz Računarske lingvistike |
n2 | EUROLAN Summer School (13-25th July, 2015) was the twelfth in the series of summer schools that take place every two years in Romania. | n2 | EUROLAN letnja škola, održana od 13. do 25.jula 2015. godineje bila dvanaesta u nizuletnjih škola koje se svake dve godine održavaju u Rumuniji. |
n3 | Topics of these summer schools are always very “hot”, as was the case with this year’s topic – an area of Computational Linguistics and data and knowledge management in general – Linguistic Linked Open Data – LLOD. | n3 | Teme ovih letnjih škola uvek su veoma aktuelne, pa je i ove godine za temu odabrana oblast Računarske lingvistike i uopšte upravljanja podacima i znanjem – Lingvistički povezani otvoreni podaci (eng. LinguisticLinkedOpen Data – LLOD). |
n4 | This year’s summer school took place in the beautiful town of Sibiu, situated in the heart of Transylvania, surrounded by mountains and wonderful nature. | n4 | Lokacija ovogodišnje škole bio je prelepi grad Sibiu, u srcu Transilvanije, okružen planinama i predivnom prirodom. |
n5 | Twenty distinguished lecturers who are some of the biggest names in the area of Computational Linguistics, and certainly in the LLOD movement, and who significantly contributed to its development, held intensive courses during two weeks of the summer school. | n5 | Dvadeset istaknutih predavača koji važe za najveće stručnjake iz oblasti Računarske lingvistike, a svakako iz oblasti LLOD, koji su umnogome i doprineli njenom razvoju, držali su intenzivne kurseve tokom dve nedelje trajanja ove letnje škole. |
n6 | Mornings were mainly reserved for theoretical parts of acquiring new concepts, while the afternoons were filled with practical work, tutorials and practice. | n6 | Prepodneva su bila namenjena teoretskom delu upoznavanja sa novim konceptima, dok su popodneva uglavnom bila ispunjena praktičnim radom, tutorijalima i vežbama. |
n7 | Participants came from all over Europe, but also from China and Australia. | n7 | Učesnici su došli iz Evrope, ali i iz Kine i Australije. |
n8 | One of the benefits of this kind of learning and enhancement ofprofessional skills is also the possibility to share experiences and to connect with colleagues from all over the world – which is definitely very important! | n8 | Jedna od prednosti ovakve vrste sticanja novih znanja i unapređivanja profesionalnih veština jeste i mogućnost povezivanja i deljenja iskustava sa kolegama iz celog sveta – što je svakako izuzetno važno! |
n9 | This was the first summer school I attended and it was a great pleasure to spend two weeks with like-minded people who share my passion for linguistics and using computer technologies to process natural language. | n9 | Ovo je prva letnja škola koju sam pohađala i izuzetno mi je prijalo to što sam imala priliku da dve nedelje provedem sa ljudima koji dele moju strast prema lingvistici i korišćenju računarskih tehnologija za obradu prirodnih jezika. |