En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 97 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 97 rečenica)
n1 | Social Sciences and Computing: Master study program review | n1 | Računarstvo u društvenim naukama: prikaz studijskog programa master studija |
n2 | The graduate study program Social Sciences and Computing at the University of Belgrade is developed as part of the Tempus project INCOMING (Interdisciplinary Curricula in Computing to Meet Labor Market Needs, project No. 530155-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-EE-TEMPUS-JPCR). | n2 | Studijski program master akademskih studija„Računarstvo u društvenim naukama“ na master studijama Univerziteta u Beogradu razvijen je kao rezultat Tempus projekta INCOMING (InterdisciplinaryCurriculainComputingtoMeetLaborMarketNeeds, broj projekta 530155-TEMPUS-1-2012-1-EE-TEMPUS-JPCR). |
n3 | The program is designed as a continuation of undergraduate studies in a field of the broad study area of social sciences (economics, sociology, psychology, law, finance, management, languages, and so on, or a combination of some of these fields), but with a focus on application of modern computer technology in these fields. | n3 | Osmišljen je kao nastavak osnovnih akademskih studija u nekoj od oblasti društvenih nauka (ekonomske nauke, sociologija, psihologija, pravne nauke, finansije, menadžment, filološke nauke, i tako dalje ili kao kombinacija nekih od tih oblasti), ali sa fokusom na primenu savremenih računarskih tehnologija u tim oblastima. |
n4 | Studying in this study program assumes that the students have already acquired some knowledge in a subset of these social sciences. | n4 | Studiranje na ovom studijskom programupodrazumeva da su studenti već stekli određena znanja iz neke od spomenutih oblasti društvenih nauka. |
n5 | It is also understood that students already have a basic knowledge of computer technology and that they are familiar with the basics of using computers and the Internet. | n5 | Takođe se podrazumeva da studenti već poseduju elementarno poznavanje računarskih tehnologija i da su upoznati sa osnovama korišćenja računara i Interneta. |
n6 | Through the graduate study program Social Sciences and Computing, students are introduced to some of the more advanced techniques of using computers and the Internet, but always through application in a selected field of social sciences. | n6 | Kroz studijski program master akademskih studija Računarstvo u društvenim naukama studenti se upoznaju sa nekim od naprednijih tehnika korišćenjaračunara i Interneta, ali uvek kroz primenu u odabranoj oblasti društvenih nauka. |
n7 | A wide variety of courses offered allows each student to focus on the social science(s) that she/he is most interested in. | n7 | Široka lepeza ponuđenih predmeta omogućuje svakom studentu da se usmeri ka onoj oblasti društvenih nauka koja ga najviše interesuje. |
n8 | The program at a glance | n8 | Kratak prikaz programa |
n9 | It is a 60 ECTS, 1-year program, structured in such a way that students take courses in the Spring semester (typically 5 courses, 30 ECTS altogether), and then work on their term paper (qualification paper, 10 ECTS) and master's thesis (20 ECTS). | n9 | Ovaj jednogodišnji program nosi 60 ESPB, a osmišljen je tako da studenti prate kurseve u prolećnom semestru (obično 5 kurseva, koji ukupno nose 30 ESPB), da bi posle radili na svom pristupnom radu (10 ESPB) i master tezi (20 ESPB). |