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 Vitas, 2014, vol. XV:1, ID: 1.2014.1.8[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 20 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 20 rečenica) [pdf]
n1The Conference on Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria, Sofia, held on September 4th, 2014 n1Prikaz konferencije Računarska lingvistika u Bugarskoj, Sofija 4. septembar 2014. godine
n2At the Hilton hotel in Sofia, on September 4th, the First International Conference “Computational Linguistics in Bulgaria” was held, organized by the Department of Computational Linguistics of the Institute of Bulgarian Language, affiliated with the Bulgarian Academy of Science, the Faculty of Slavic studies, and the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, University of Sofia. n2U hotelu Hilton u Sofiji 4. septembra održana je prva međunarodna konferencija „Računarska lingvistika u Bugarskoj“ (CLIB- 2014) u organizaciji Odseka za računarsku lingvistiku Instituta za bugarski jezik Bugarske akademije nauka, Fakulteta za slavističke studije i Fakulteta za matematiku i informatiku Univerziteta u Sofiji.
n3The conference was attended by about fifty participants, including international guests. n3Konferenciji je prisustvovalo pedesetak učesnika među kojima su bili i inostrani gosti.
n4The event was organized within the framework of the project Integrating New Practices and Knowledge in Undergraduate and Graduate Courses in Computational Linguistics (2012-2014), financed by national and European funds. n4Skup je organizovan u okviru projekta Integrating New Practices and Knowledge in Undergraduate and Graduate Courses in Computational Linguistics (2012–2014) koji se finansira iz nacionalnih i evropskih fondova.
n5The proceedings of the Conference are accessible on the Web. n5Zbornik konferencije je dostupan na vebu.
n6The conference was commenced by the suitable speech delivered by Dr Svetla Koeva, director of the Institute of Bulgarian Language. n6Konferenciju je prigodnim govorom otvorila dr Svetla Koeva, direktorka Instituta za bugarski jezik.
n7The conference gathered mainly younger researchers in the field of computational linguistics in Bulgaria, apart from two guest lecturers, Eric Laporte and Cvetana Krstev. n7Konferencija je okupila prvenstveno mlađe istraživače sa područja računarske lingvistike u Bugarskoj pored dva pozvana predavača Erika Laporta i Cvetane Krstev.
n8Professor Eric Laporte from the University Marne-la-Valée (France), in his report Interaction between Linguists and Machine Learning discussed the relation between two basic contemporary trends in language processing, one of which is based on linguistic modelling of language knowledge, and the other on methods of machine learning, and how they are used in the building of hybrid systems. n8Profesor Erik Laport sa Univerziteta u Marn- la-Valeu (Francuska) u referatu pod naslovom Interaction between Linguists and Machine Learning razmotrio je odnos dvaju osnovnih savremenih pravaca u obradi jezika, od kojih je jedan zasnovan na lingvističkom modeliranju znanja o jeziku, a drugi na metodama mašinskog učenja u izgradnji hibridnih sistema
n9He emphasized the significance of formalization of linguistic knowledge in building of such systems. n9i pokazao značaj formalizacije lingvističkog znanja u izgradnji takvih sistema.