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 Jordan, 2011, XII:2, ID: 1.2011.2.2[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 391 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 391 rečenica) [pdf]
n1OCLC: Collaboratively Building Webscale Services With Libraries n1OCLC: IZGRADNjA USLUGA NA VEBU U SARADNjI SA BIBLIOTEKAMA
n2Jay Jordan, president and CEO, OCLC n2Džej Džordan, predsednik, CEO, OCLC
n3Abstract n3Apstrakt
n4In 2000, OCLC shared with its membership a new strategy to "weave libraries into the web, and the web into libraries." n4Godine 2000-te OCLC je podelio sa svojim članovima novu strategiju, da "utka biblioteke u veb i veb u biblioteke".
n5The plan called for OCLC to transform WorldCat from a bibliographic database and online union catalog to a globally networked information resource, interweaving the physical and electronic collections of the world's libraries. n5Plan traži od OCLC-a da transformiše WorldCat iz bibliografske baze podataka i onlajn centralnog kataloga u globalni umreženi informacioni izvor, koji povezuje fizičke i elektronske zbirke svetskih biblioteka.
n6Salient features of the strategy were to extend the cooperative, build a new technological platform, transform WorldCat, introduce new services, and, ultimately, make libraries a visible and viable presence on the Worldwide Web. n6Istaknute funkcije ove strategije su da se proširi saradnja, izgradi nova tehnološka platforma, transformiše WorldCat, uvedu nove usluge i, na kraju, da se prisustvo biblioteka na svetskoj mreži učini vidljivim i održivim.
n7Since then, OCLC has made considerable progress, culminating in the launch in 2012 of its computer cloud-based WorldShare Management Services. n7Od onda je OCLC postigao značajan napredak, koji je kulminirao puštanjem u rad 2012-te njegovog računarskog servisa "u oblacima" - WorldShare Management Services.
n8The concept of Webscale is discussed within the context of six trends affecting libraries and their users. n8Koncept izlaska na svetsku mrežu je razmotren u kontekstu šest trendova, koji utiču na biblioteke i njihove korisnike.
n9In 2012, OCLC began implementing Webscale services for libraries based on cloud computing technologies. n9U 2012-oj godini OCLC je započeo uvođenje usluga za biblioteke preko mreže, zasnovanih na tehnologiji računarstva u oblacima.