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 Butigan-Vučaj, 2011, vol. XII:1, ID: 1.2011.1.9[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 67 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 67 rečenica) [pdf]
n2Tamara Butigan-Vucyaj* National Library of Serbia, Belgrade n2Tamara Butigan-Vučaj* Narodna biblioteka Srbije
n3The meaning of the acronym of the EMBARK project is associated with the main goal of the project, which is "embarking" of certain number of Cyrillic manuscript books into the Manuscriptorium - European digital library of written historical resources. n3Akronim projekta EMBARK na engleskom jeziku znači ukrcavanje. A cilj projekta jeste "ukrcavanje" jednog broja ćiriliskih rukopisa u Manuskriptorijum - evropsku digitalnu biblioteku pisanih istorijskih izvora.
n4The full name of the EMBARK project, Enhance Manuscriptorium through Balkan Recovered Knowledge - confirms that by the end of the project the Manuscriptorium will be enriched by the parts of the Balkan cultural heritage. n4Razrešenje akronima EMBARK, Enhance Manuscriptorium through Balkan Recovered Knowledge - Unapređenje baze rukopisa Manuskriptorijum kroz dodavanje novih znanja sa Balkana, potvrđuje da će na kraju projekta Manuskriptorijum biti bogatiji za delove kulturne baštine Balkana.
n5The EMBARK is a 20 months project (September 2010 - April 2012) of the European Commission, in the framework of the programme Culture 2007-2013, approved in the frame of the part I, Support for cultural actions, section 1.2.1, Cooperation / Short term projects. n5EMBARK je dvadesetomesečni projekat (septembar 2010. godine - april 2012. godine) Evropske komisije, iz programa Kultura 2007-2013, odobren u okviru I dela, Podrška kulturnim aktivnostima, odeljak 1.2.1, Projekti saradnje / Kratkoročni projekti.
n6European Union grant for this project is 50% maximum, which means that self-financing by the coordinator and co-organizers is also 50%. n6Finansiranje Evropske unije u ovom projektu iznosi 50%, što znači da preostalih 50% treba da obezbede učesnici u projektu.
n7The EMBARK project responds to the following objectives of the Culture 2007-2013 programme: encouraging of the emergence of European citizenship, promotion of the trans-national mobility of people working in the cultural sector, as well as the strategic objective of the Programme, which is production of such results that can be a solid foundation for the long-run cooperation and encouragement of future initiatives for cultural cooperation at European level. n7Projekat EMBARK odgovara sledećim ciljevima programa Kultura 2007-2013: doprinos bogatoj kulturnoj raznolikosti, međunarodnoj mobilnosti stručnjaka u kulturi, kao i strateškom cilju Programa, a to je osnaživanje kulturne saradnje u sektoru kulture uz proizvodnju rezultata koji se mogu predstaviti na odgovarajući i vidljiv način i predstavljati čvrstu osnovu za saradnju na duži period.
n8It is interesting that the Culture is a relatively new sphere of action for the European Union (EU), at least from a legal standpoint: the legal basis for EU action in this field was only introduced in 1992 with the Maastricht Treaty. n8Zanimljivo je da je kultura relativno nova oblast aktivnosti EU, regulisana Mastrihtskim sporazumom iz 1992. godine,
n9This action is aimed at encouraging and supporting cooperation within Europe in order to promote the European common cultural heritage. n9a usmerena je na podsticanje i podržavanje saradnje u okvirima Evrope s ciljem da se afirmiše zajedničko evropsko kulturno nasleđe.