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 Stanković et al., 2011, vol. XII:1, ID: 1.2011.1.4[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 250 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 250 rečenica) [pdf]
n1The Development of the GeolISSTerm Terminological Dictionary n1Razvoj geološkog terminološkog rečnika GeolISSTerm
n2Ranka Stankovicx, Branislav Trivicx, Olivera Kitanovicx, Branislav Blagojevicx, Velizar Nikolicx n2Ranka Stanković, Branislav Trivić, Olivera Kitanović, Branislav Blagojević, Velizar Nikolić
n3Abstract: This paper presents the structure and implementation of the electronic dictionary of geologic terms (GeolISSTerm) as a special-purpose taxonomy of basic geologic concepts and terms. n3Apstrakt. U radu je prikazana struktura i implementacija elektronskog geološkog rečnika (GeolISSTerm-a), kao posebno priređene taksonomije osnovnih geoloških pojmova i termina.
n4GeolISSTerm can be an elementary electronic resource in the process of domain formation in the Geologic Information System of Serbia (GeolISS). n4GeolISSTerm se koristi za informatičke potrebe kao elementarni resurs pri formiranju domena u Geološkom informacionom sistemu Srbije (GeolISS).
n5As such, it is the core of GeolISS through which validation, classification and specification of attributes of the observed and the interpreted takes place. n5Kao takav, on predstavlja jezgro GeolISS-a preko koga se vrši validacija, klasifikacija i specifikacija vrednosti atributa svojstava opserviranog i interpretiranog.
n6GeolISSTerm is a result of the work on the project The Development of Geologic Terminology and Nomenclature for the Geologic Database of Serbia carried out by the Faculty of Mining and Geology, University of Belgrade, funded by the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Serbia. n6GeolISSTerm je nastao kao rezultat rada na projektu "Razvoj geološke terminologije i nomenklature za geološku bazu podataka Srbije", realizovanog od strane Rudarsko-geološki fakulteta, a koji je finansiralo Ministarstvo životne sredine i prostornog planiranja Republike Srbije.
n7A short history of GeolISSTerm and an overview of the structure and the way of arranging terms, in view of the terminological resources and the position of the GeolISSTerm dictionary in the semantic spectrum is followed by a description of the approach to the development of the geologic terminology and the structure of the vocabulary using the UML (Unified Modeling Language) model. n7Kratak istorijat razvoja GeolISSTerm, a potom i pregled strukture i načina organizovanja pojmova u okviru terminoloških resursa i pozicije rečnika GeolISSTerm u semantičkom spektru, praćen je opisom pristupa razvoju geološke terminologije i strukturi rečnika kroz UML (eng. Unified Modeling Language) model.
n8The concept of domain control in the Geologic Information System of Serbia has been explained in detail. n8Posebno je objašnjen koncept kontrolisanja domena u geološkom informacionom sistemu Srbije.
n9Software solutions for browsing and searching the dictionary online and the solution for domain control, namely, integration into GeolISS are illustrated by screenshots of the interface. n9Softverska rešenja za razvoj rečnika, za prelistavanje i pretraživanje na vebu, kao rešenje za kontrolu domena, odnosno integraciju u GeolISS su prezentovana uz primere ekranskih formi.