En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 414 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 414 rečenica)
n1 | The work of the Carnegie Endowment in the Balkans after World War One: The University Library of Belgrade, 1919-1926 | n1 | Delatnost Karnegijevih zadužbina na Balkanu posle Prvog svetskog rata: Univerzitetska biblioteka u Beogradu, 1919-1926 |
n2 | Nadine Akhund, Columbia University, New York | n2 | Nadin Akund, Kolumbija univerzitet, njujork |
n3 | Keywords: Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, University Library Belgrade, building | n3 | Ključne reči: Karnegijeva fondacija za mir, Univerzitetska biblioteka u Beogradu, izgradnja |
n4 | Mr. Carnegie's name and fame are inseparably associated with his gifts for the construction of libraries in many lands. | n4 | Ime i delo gospodina Karnegija neodvojivo je povezano sa njegovim doprinosom u izgradnji biblioteka u mnogim zemljama. |
n5 | He had a profound belief in the power of education and of public libraries in their relation to the instruction of public opinion in democratically organized communities. | n5 | On je imao duboku veru u moć obrazovanja i javnih biblioteka, kao i u njihove uloge u stvaranju javnog mišljenja u demokratski organizovanim društvima. |
n6 | It seems therefore peculiarly fitting to erect this library in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia...which was twice captured by the enemy during the Great War, as the gift of the Carnegie Endowment in commemoration of the heroic defense made by the Serbian people. | n6 | Čini se dakle sasvim prirodnom izgradnja biblioteke u Beogradu, prestonici Srbije... dva puta osvajanom tokom Velikog rata, kao poklon Kranegijeve fondacije za sećanje na herojsku odbranu srpskog naroda (1). |
n7 | These words were written by Nicholas Butler (1862-1947) director of intercourse and education at the Carnegie Endowment and a decisive actor in the library project. | n7 | Ove reči zapisao je Nikolas Batler (1862-1947), direktor za odnose i obrazovanje u Karnegijevoj zadužbini i jedan od glavnih učesnika u projektu biblioteka. |
n8 | This limited but significant project belongs to the wide body of work on the reconstruction of Europe in the aftermath of World War I. | n8 | Ovaj ograničeni ali značajan projekat pripada širokom spektru radova na obnovi Evrope posle Prvog svetskog rata. |
n9 | At that time, the Carnegie Endowment revitalized its efforts to promote international conciliation and participated to a new kind of international policy. | n9 | U to vreme, Karnegijeva zadužbina je obnavljala napore na uspostavljanju međunarodnog pomirenja i učestvovala u sasvim novoj vrsti međunarodne politike (2). |