En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 42 sentences)
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Srpski - (prvih 9 od 42 rečenica)
n1 | COBISS 2009 Ministerial Conference (?) | n1 | COBISS 2009 MINISTARSKA KONFERENCIJA? |
n2 | Mile Stijepovicx* University Library "Svetozar Markovicx", Belgrade | n2 | Mile Stijepović* Univerzitetska biblioteka "Svetozar Marković", Beograd |
n3 | The Institute of Information Science in Maribor (IZUM) in cooperation with the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology was the organizer of last year's COBISS conference, held from the 11th to12th of November 2009 in the Habakuk Congress Centre (Maribor, Slovenia). | n3 | Institut informacijskih znanosti iz Maribora (IZUM) u saradnji sa slovenačkim Ministarstvom inostranih poslova, Ministarstvom za kulturu i Ministarstvom za visoko školstvo, nauku i tehnologiju organizator je prošlogodišnje COBISS konferencije, održane od 11-12.novembra 2009.u Kongresnom centru Habakuk (Maribor, Slovenija), koju karakterišu dve stvari. |
n4 | The conference was characterized by two things: firstly, after a long period of having regular annual meetings, the COBISS Conference 2009 was held after a two year break; and secondly, the conference was decided to become ministerial, but it would still maintain the previous conference form which had brought librarians together from those countries participating in the COBISS.Net project. | n4 | Prva, nakon dužeg perioda redovnog godišnjeg održavanja konferencija COBISS 2009 je održana posle dve godine pauze i druga, odlučeno je da konferencija postane ministarska, ali i da zadrži prethodnu formu konferencije koja okuplja bibliotekare iz zemalja učesnica projekta COBISS.Net. |
n5 | Even on the first day of the program The Ministerial Conference on Information Infrastructure for Science, Education and Culture COBISS 2009 had two panel discussions, which were to justify the prefix in the name of the ministerial conference. | n5 | Ministarska konferencija o informacionoj infrastrukturi nauke, obrazovanja i kulture COBISS 2009 već prvog dana na programu je imala dve panel diskusije koje su trebale opravdati prefiks ministarska u nazivu konferencije koja je započela pozdravnom reči Tomaža Seljaka (direktor IZUM- a). |
n6 | It began with opening words by Tomazx Seljak (director of IZUM) which was then followed by speeches from Vojko Volk (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia) and Stamenka Uvalicy- Trumbicx (UNESCO, Paris). | n6 | Usledila su izlaganja Vojko Volka (Ministarstvo inostranih poslova Republike Slovenije) i Stamenke Uvalič-T rumbić (UNESCO, Pariz). |
n7 | Vojko Volk introduced us to the role of Slovenia in the process of bringing the Western Balkans closer to the European Union, while the representative from UNESCO presented the paper "New Dynamics of Higher Education and Research for Societal Change and Development". | n7 | Vojko Volk nas je upoznao sa ulogom Slovenije u procesu približavanja zemalja zapadnog Balkana Evropskoj uniji, dok je predstavnica UNESCO-a prezentovala rad "Nova dinamika visokog obrazovanja i istraživanja za društvene promene i razvoj". |
n8 | The first panel of "Accessibility of Information on Research Potential and the Results of Research Work for Cooperation in the Region" was led by the Slovenian State Secretary for Higher Education, Science and Technology József Györkös and brought representatives together from the Ministries of Science and Technology and Higher Education of countries which have expressed interest in cooperating on the project COBISS. | n8 | Prvi panel: "Dostupnost informacija o istraživačkim potencijalima i rezultatima istraživačkog rada za saradnju u regiji" koji je vodio državni sekretar Ministarstva za visoko školstvo, nauku i tehnologiju Republike Slovenije József Györkös okupio je predstavnike ministarstava za nauku i tehnologiju, odnosno visoko školstvo zemalja regiona koje su do sada ispoljile interesovanje za saradnju na projektu COBISS. |
n9 | Net (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Montenegro, Macedonia, Slovenia and Serbia). | n9 | Net (Albanija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Bugarska, Crna Gora, Makedonija, Slovenija i Srbija). |