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 Paumier, 2009, vol. X:1/2, ID: 1.2009.1/2.9[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 123 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 123 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Why academic software software should be Open Source n1Zašto je univerzitetu potreban slobodan softver?
n2Sebastien Paumier, Institut Gaspard-Monge, Universite Paris-Est Marne-la-Vallee n2Sebastien Pomje, Univerzitet Marn-la-Vale, Pariz-Est
n3Everyone has heard about "free software" and "open source", but what those terms actually mean is not always very clear, even for people that produce software. n3Svi su čuli za "slobodan softver" i "softver otvorenog koda", ali šta ti pojmovi zaista znače nije uvek najjasnije, čak ni ljudima koji proizvode softver.
n4First of all, I will briefly explain those terms, and the reader will see that the open source philosophy has many ideas in common with Science. n4Prvo ću ukratko objasniti te pojmove, a čitalac će videti da filozofija otvorenog koda i nauka imaju mnogo zajedničkih ideja.
n5Then, I will define what I mean by "academic software" and I will present some arguments in order to show that Science would benefit a lot if scientists that produce software released them as open source. n5Zatim ću definisati ono što ja podrazumevam pod "univerzitetskim softverom" i predstaviću neke argumente kako bih pokazao da bi nauka imala mnogo koristi kad bi naučnici koji proizvode softver počeli da ga objavljuju kao otvoreni kod.
n6Free Software and Open Source n6Slobodan softver i softver otvorenog koda
n7According to Richard Stallman, the creator of the Free Software Foundation, the term "free software" stands for a set of constraints: n7Prema Ričardu Stalmanu, osnivaču Fondacije za slobodan softver1, pojam "slobodan softver" označava skup sloboda:
n8- freedom to run the program, for any purpose; (1) n8- Slobodu izvršavanja programa, u bilo koju svrhu; (1)
n9- freedom to study how the program works, and adapt it to your needs. n9- Slobodu da se prouči kako program radi i da se on prilagodi sopstvenim potrebama.