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 Nastić, 2008, vol. IX:1/2, ID: 1.2008.1/2.8[About]

En/De/Fr/It- (first 9 out of 38 sentences) [pdf] Srpski - (prvih 9 od 38 rečenica) [pdf]
n1Dr Nedeljko Parezanović, Retired University Professor n1DR NEDELjKO PAREZANOVIĆ REDOVNI PROFESOR U PENZIJI
n2Professor Parezanovicx was born in Ivanjica on August 25, 1932, n2Rođen je u Ivanjici 25. avgusta 1932. godine.
n3where he attended elementary school. He graduated from high school in Belgrade n3Osnovnu školu je završio u Ivanjici, a srednju školu u Beogradu.
n4and earned his B.Sc. degree in 1957 from the Department of Mechanics at the Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics in Belgrade. n4Diplomirao je na Prirodno-matematičkom fakultetu u Beogradu 1957. godine na grupi za mehaniku.
n5He presented his doctoral thesis in 1961 and earned a Ph.D. from the same faculty. n5Na istom fakultetu je odbranio i doktorsku tezu 1961. godine.
n6From 1950 until 1957 he worked in the studio of Radio Belgrade, and after earning his B.Sc. he joined the Military- Technical Institute in Belgrade, where he worked on jobs related to construction of nomograms and application of analog computers. n6Od 1950. do 1957. godine je radio u studiju Radio Beograda, a po diplomiranju na fakultetu prelazi u Vojno-tehnički institut u Beogradu, gde je radio na poslovima konstrukcije nomograma i primene analognih računara.
n7In 1959 he moved to the Laboratory for Applied Mathematics of the Institute of Nuclear Science "Boris Kidricy" in Vincya. n7Godine 1959. prelazi u Institut za nuklearne nauke "Boris Kidrič" u Vinči u laboratoriju za Primenjenu matematiku.
n8It is in this Institute that he started his research related to the development and analysis of mathematical models. n8Tada započinje i svoj istraživački rad na poslovima postavke i analize matematičkih modela.
n9At that time, he used a machine for solving linear algebraic equations, the repetitive differential analyzer, and the first mainframe digital computer IBM-705 located in the Federal Bureau of Statistics. n9U to vreme koristi mašinu za rešavanje linearnih algebarskih jednačina, repetitivni diferencijalni analizator i prvi veliki digitalni računar IBM-705 u Saveznom zavodu za statistiku.