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Distrust as Obstacle to e-Commerce Development in SerbiaNepoverenje kao prepreka razvoju e-trgovine u Srbiji
Management, [pdf]Menadžment, [pdf]
ID: 7.2012.65.8 Number: 65 Year: 2012 UDC: 004.738.5:339(497.11) [tmx] [bow]
Dalibor Petrović
Institution: University of Belgrade, Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering
Dalibor Petrović
Institucija: Univerzitet u Beogradu, Saobraćajni fakultet
Ivana Kovačević
Institution: Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade
Ivana Kovačević
Institucija: Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Univerzitet u Beogradu
The development of electronic commerce (e-commerce) can be analyzed from many different aspects, which consequently affect the selection of substantial elements that can be used for understanding the obstacles for e-commerce implementation. In this paper we analyzed the (dis)trust as one of the elements which is, in our opinion, somehow neglected even though it can be the key factor of slow e-commerce development in Serbia. Although the distrust can be studied on different levels when related to e-commerce, it seems that cultural and socio-psychological are the most important for the countries that are still in the process of modernization and do not have a long tradition of free markets. This is why in our paper we focus on two macro factors of distrust in Serbia: distrust related to the normative and value systems, and distrust as part of the Serbian cultural pattern. To illustrate to what extent the distrust is embedded into Serbian society we analyzed the results of World Values Survey, which involved 80000 participants around the world including the citizens of Serbia. In the concluding remarks of the paper we highlight the importance of transformation of the normative and value system and point out that without this, all other actions for raising the confidence in e-commerce will have a limited impact.
Izučavanju razvoja elektronske trgovine (e-trgovine) može se prići iz različitih perspektiva od čega će zavisiti i elementi koji će se izdvojiti kao presudni za razumevanje prepreka u procesu njene implementacije. U ovom radu se fokusiramo na (ne)poverenje, jedan od faktora za koji verujemo da, do sada, nije dobio zasluženu pažnju iako predstavlja možda i ključni razlog sporog razvoja e-trgovine u Srbiji. Iako se poverenju, u kontekstu proučavanja e-trgovine, može prići na nekoliko nivoa, čini se da je za zemlje koje još uvek nisu završile proces modernizacije i koje nemaju dugu tradiciju tržišnog poslovanja veoma važno sagledati kulturološke, odnosno makro faktore koji utiču na opšti nivo (ne)poverenja u jednom društvu. Zbog toga, u drugom delu rada našu pažnju usmeravamo na dva makro faktora nepoverenja u Srbiji: nepoverenje u normativni i vred-nosni sistem i nepoverenje kao deo kulturnog obrasca u Srbiji. Osnovni zaključak do koga se u radu dolazi jeste da će bez istinske transformacije vrednosnog i normativnog sistema u Srbiji sve ostale aktivnosti koje su usmerene na podizanje poverenja u e-trgovinu biti limitiranog značaja.
Keywords: e-commerce, distrust, Internet, cultural patterns, normative and value systemKljučne reči: e-trgovina, nepoverenje, Internet, kulturni obrasci, vrednosni i normativni sistem
Pages: 71-77Strane: 71-77