Cost-Benefit Analysis of the Project of Power
Generation from Renewable Sources | Cost-benefit analiza projekata proizvodnje elektricne energije iz obnovljivih izvora |
Management, [pdf] | Menadžment, [pdf] |
ID: 7.2012.64.5 Number: 64 Year: 2012 UDC: 005.8:330.322]:621.311(497.11) ; 620.9(497.11) [tmx] [bow] |
Dragan Marković Institution: Faculty of management, Sremski Karlovci | Dragan Marković Institucija: Fakultet za menadžment u Sremskim Karlovcima |
Dejan Petrović Institution: Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade | Dejan Petrović Institucija: Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Univerzitet u Beogradu |
Marko Mihić Institution: Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade | Marko Mihić Institucija: Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Univerzitet u Beogradu |
Abstract The problem of exploitation of exclusively conventional sources of electricity points out the fact that environmental
sustainability is seriously endangered, increasing the dependency of the state in the field of electricity
supply, reducing the economic potential of the community by increasing the cost of repairs, etc. The consequences
that arise as a result of perceived problems are: high emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere, coal reserves
are reduced progressively, while the agricultural population increasingly tends to migrate from the
countryside to the cities. The results of previous studies in the field of biomass from agricultural waste indicate
an increase in energy efficiency. This study analyzes the current state of Kolubara and performs a socio-economic
evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of a gradual transition from conventional to alternative energy
sources. The results are obtained using the Cost Benefir analysis. The results of this study highlight the potential
benefits of biomass from agricultural waste compared to conventional energy sources through the implementation
of positive evaluation received in the CBA1
| Apstrakt Problem pri eksploataciji iskljucivo konvencionalnih izvora elektricne energije ukazuje na narušavanje održi-vosti životne sredine, povecanje zavisnosti države u oblasti elektro snabdevanja, smanjenje ekonomskog potencijala zaj ednice kroz povecanje troškova sanacija, i dr. Posledice koj e nastaju kao rezultat uocenog problema jesu: velike emisije CO2 u atmosferu, rezervi uglja je sve manje, a poljoprivredno stanovništvo sve više pokazuje tendenciju ka migracijama iz sela u grad. Rezultati dosadašnjih istraživanja u oblasti upotrebe biomase od poljoprivrednog otpada ukazuju na povecanje energetske efikasnosti. Istraživanjem je analizirano trenutno stanje RB Ko I ubare i doneta društveno-ekonomska ocena isplativosti postepenog pre laska sa konvencionalnih na alternativne izvore energije. Kako bi se došlo do rezultata istraživanja korišcen je metod Cost-Benefit Analize. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazali su na prednosti biomase od poljoprivrednog otpada u odnosu na konvencionalne izvore energije kroz pozitivnu ocenu dobijenu sprovodenjem CBA.
Keywords: Cost-Benefit Analysis, renewable electrical energy sources, biomass from agricultural waste, investment
projects | Ključne reči: Cost-Benefit Analiza, obnovljivi izvori elektricne energije, biomasa od po Ijoprivrednog otpada, investicioni projekti |
Pages: 39-45 | Strane: 39-45 |