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Application of Multi-Agent Systems in Supply Chain ManagementPrimena multiagentnih sistema u upravljanju lancem snabdevanja
Management, [pdf]Menadžment, [pdf]
ID: 7.2012.63.8 Number: 63 Year: 2012 UDC: 005.552.1:004.7 ; 005.57:005.591.6 [tmx] [bow]
Ksenija Mandić
Institution: Crony d.o.o
Ksenija Mandić
Institucija: Crony d.o.o
Boris Delibašić
Institution: Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade
Boris Delibašić
Institucija: Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Univerzitet u Beogradu
In traditional business, negotiation is viewed as a long process, which has resulted in the development of computer methods to aid decision making.In recent years great effort has been invested in research and development of intelligent agents and multi-agent systems for automation of negotiation in supply chain management. The main task of multi-agent system is to link independently developed agents in a single system that allows collaboration and interaction between agents.That way you get much more efficient system for decision making in relation to the case of individual use of each of the agents.The aim of this paper is to highlight the positive effects that are achieved by the introduction of multi-agent technology in supply chain management. Application of multi-agent systems results in significant improvements in the field of communication and negotiation processes, costs reductions (expenditure of time and resources), customer satisfaction, supply chain efficiency,reduction of human work, inventory control, virtual poolingetc.
U tradicionalnom nacinu poslovanja pregovaranje podrazumeva dug proces, i to je razlog što se razvijaju racunarski metodi kojima bi se pomoglo odlucivanju. Poslednjih godina ucinjeni su veliki napori u oblasti istraživanja i razvoja inteligentinih agenata i multiagentnih sistema za automatizaciju pregovaranja u upravljanju lancem snabdevanja. Glavni zadatak multiagentnog sistema jeste da poveže pojedinacno razvijene agente u jedinstveni sistem koji omogucava saradnju i interakciju izmedu agenata. Na taj nacin dobija se efikasniji sistem odlucivanja u odnosu na pojedinacnu primenu svakog posebnog agenta. Cilj ovog rada jeste da istakne pozitivne efekte dobijene uvodenjem mult iagentne tehnologije u upravljanjem lancem snabdevanja. Primena multiagentnih sistema dovodi do znacajnih poboljšanja u oblasti procesa komunikacije i pregovaranja, smanjenja troškova (utroška vremena i resursa), zadovoljstva potrošaca, efikasnosti lanca snabdevanja, smanjenja ljudskog rada, kontrole inventara, virtualnog udruživanja, itd.
Keywords: supply chain management, agent technology, the negotiation mechanism, multi-agent systems, intelligent agents.Ključne reči: upravljanje lancem snabdevanja, tehnologija agenata, mehanizam pregovaranja, multiagentni sistemi, inteligentni agenti.
Pages: 75-84Strane: 75-84