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Integrated Marketing Communications and Brand Identity DevelopmentIntegrisane marketing komunikacije i razvoj identiteta brenda
Management, [pdf]Menadžment, [pdf]
ID: 7.2012.63.10 Number: 63 Year: 2012 UDC: 005.53:658.626 ; 659.442 [tmx] [bow]
Marija Janković
Institution: University Mediterranean, Faculty of business “Montenegro Business School“, Montenegro
Marija Janković
Institucija: Univerzitet Mediteran, Fakultet za poslovne studije, Podgorica
Modern marketing paradigm is based on the increasing importance of the relational, environmental and socially responsible marketing concept. Modern marketing mix does not take into account only the satisfaction of consumer needs, but the realization of long-term communication with him. The concept of developing brand identity refers to the importance of different marketing tools for the purpose of creating, developing the brand and establishing stronger emotional connection with the consumer. The added value that makes the brand, is related to in addition to functional, its symbolic and emotional sides, in addition to the functional one. The concept of integrated marketing communications enables companies to use various techniques and communication tools to communicate the message the brand has to the target public as credible, consistent and clear.
Savremeni marketing pristup baziran je na sve većem značaj u integrisane marketing komunikacij e i društve-no-odgovornog makreting koncepta. Savremeni marketing miks ne uzima u obzir samo zadovo ljenje potreba potrošača, već i ostvarenje dugotrajne, integrisane komunikacij e sa njim. Koncept razvij anja identiteta brenda upućuj e na sve dominatnij i uticaj raz l ičitih marketinških komunikacionih strategij a u ci Iju stvaranja, razvijanja brenda i uspostavljanja čvršće emocionalne veze sa potrošačem. Dodatna vrij ednost koj u brend donosi, vezuje se, pored funkcionalne, za njegovu simbo i ličnu i emotivnu stranu. Koncept integrisane marketing komunikacije omogućava kompanijama da različitim komunikacionim strategijama, saopšte ciljnoj javosti konzistentnu poruku koju brend nosi, kao uvjerljivu, doslednu i jasnu.
Keywords: integrated marketing communications, modern concept of marketing, brand identity, media communications.Ključne reči: Integrisane marketing komunikacij e, savremeni koncept marketinga, ident itet brenda, medij -ske komunikacije.