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Stock Exchange Communication with Target Groups of PublicKomunikacija berze sa ciljnim grupama javnosti
Management, [pdf]Menadžment, [pdf]
ID: 7.2012.62.3 Number: 62 Year: 2012 UDC: 336.76 ; 659.235 [tmx] [bow]
Milica Kostić-Stanković1,
Institution: Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade
Milica Kostić-Stanković1,
Institucija: Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Univerzitet u Beogradu
Natalija Nedeljković
Institution: Belgrade Stock Exchange, Belgrade
Natalija Nedeljković
Institucija: Beogradska berza, Beograd
At a time when the value of individual companies on the stock exchange is not determined only by their fixed assets and historical operating results, honest and adequate communication with investors increasingly determines the success and performance of share prices in the capital market. Unlike the developed European economies, where the concept of shareholding is has been well known for several decades, the Serbian capital market still requires efforts in training both the issuers and shareholders and prospective investors. The presentation of the stock exchange to the public, and specifically, to the investment public, therefore, is an area whose improvement can merit the institution itself, single shareholder companies, and the economy as a whole.
U vreme kada vrednost pojedinacnih kompanija na berzi ne odreduju više samo njihova stalna imovina i is -torijski rezultati poslovanja, iskrena i pravilna komunikacija sa investitorima sve više opredeljuje uspešnost i kretanje cena akcija na tržištu kapitala. Za razliku od razvijenih evropskih ekonomija, gde je koncept ak -cionarstva poznat vec nekoliko decenija, na srpskom tržištu kapitala potrebno je uložiti napore u dodatnu edukaciju i izdavalaca hartija od vrednosti i akcionara i buducih investitora. Nastup berze prema javnosti i specificno, prema investicionoj javnosti, stoga predstavlja oblast cijim unapredenjem se mogu postici koristi kako za samu instituciju, tako i za pojedinacna akcionarska društva, ali i privredu u celini.
Keywords: stock exchange, communication, public, target groupsKljučne reči: berza, komunikacija, javnost, ciljne grupe
Pages: 23-31Strane: 23-31