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The Relation to Money as a Factor of the Consumer´s BehaviorOdnos prema novcu kao faktor ponašanja potrošača
Management, [pdf]Menadžment, [pdf]
ID: 7.2012.62.12 Number: 62 Year: 2012 UDC: 659.27 ; 659.113.25 [tmx] [bow]
Zorica Marković
Institution: Psychology Department, Faculty of Philosophy, Niš,
Zorica Marković
Institucija: Departman za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet u Nišu
Iva Antanasijević
Institution: Psychology Department, Faculty of Philosophy, Niš,
Iva Antanasijević
Institucija: Departman za psihologiju, Filozofski fakultet u Nišu
Branko Ninković
Institution: SANI Šabac
Branko Ninković
Institucija: SANI Šabac
The subject-matter of this paper is to examine if there are statistically significant differences among various types of consumers and their relations to money. The research was conducted on a sample of 150 working population examinees. For examining the types of consumers, the VALS Technique was used, whose author was Arnold Mitchell. VALS is one of the worldwide most popular techniques nowadays, which is used for examining consumers’ behavior. For examining relationship to money, Money Ethic Scale was used that was created by Thomas Li-Ping Tang. Affective, behavioral and cognitive relations to money are defined by that Scale. Gender, age, education and income amount of the examinees were used as control variables. The results show that, generally, there are statistically important differences among various types of consumers and their behavioral and cognitive relations to money and that only among certain types of consumers, more exactly, between the Thinker and the Careerist, as well as between the Thinker and the Ambitious, there are significant differences regarding their affective relation to money. Regarding the control variables, among the examinees of different gender and with different income, there are no differences in their relation to money, while among the examinees of different age there is difference in the behavioral relation to money, and among the examinees of different education there is difference in the cognitive relation to money.
Predmet ovog rada je ispitati da li postoje razlike između različitih tipova potrošača i njihovog odnosa prema novcu. Istraživanje je izvršeno na uzorku od 150 ispitanika radne populacije. Za ispitivanje tipova potrošača korišće-na VALS tehnika, čiji je autor Arnold Mičel. VALS je jedna od najpopularnijih tehnika danas u svetu, koja se koristi za ispitivanje ponašanja potrošača. Za ispitivanje odnosa prema novcu korišćena je Etička Skala Novca (Money Ethic Scale), koju je konstruisao Thomas Li-Ping Tang. Ovom skalom definisani su afektivni, bihejvioralni i kogni-tivni odnos prema novcu. Od kontrolnih varijabli uključene su pol, starost, obrazovanje i iznos prihoda ispitanika. Rezultati pokazuju da generalno postoje statističke značajne razlike između različitih tipova potrošača i njihovog bihejvioralnog i kognitivnog odnosa prema novcu, a da samo između pojedinih tipova potrošača, tačnije izme-đu MisliOca i Karijeriste, kao i Mislilaca i Ambicioznog postoje značajne razlike u pogledu njihovog afektivnog od-nosa prema novcu. U pogledu kontrolnih varijabli, kod pripadnika različitog pola, i ispitanika različitih prihoda, ne postoji razlike u odnosu prema novcu, dok kod pripadnika različite starosti postoji razlika u bihejvioralnom od-nosu prema novcu, a kod ispitanika različitog obrazovanja razlika u kognitivnom odnosu prema novcu.
Keywords: type of consumer, relation to moneyKljučne reči: tip potrošača, odnos prema novcu
Pages: 111-121Strane: 111-121