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Human Resources Management – Strategic AspectMenadžment ljudskih resursa -strateški aspekt
Management, [pdf]Menadžment, [pdf]
ID: 7.2012.62.10 Number: 62 Year: 2012 UDC: [tmx] [bow]
Milica Đurović
Institution: Telekom Serbia
Milica Đurović
Institucija: Telekom Srbija
This work emphasizes the importance of the new, modern role of human resource management in achieving objectives of companthe companies that tend to be highly adaptable to the demands of their environment and consequently achieve high competitive advantage. In this range of demands, human resource management has to realise its transformation objectives, so as not to become the area and factor of disturbance in functional and team activities of the company. Such changes in human resource management, in the first place, are to be realised in the competences of human resource managers, their knowledge and abilities to stimulate creative and innovative capability of employees.
U ovom radu istice se znacaj nove, moder ne uloge menadžmenta ljudskih resursa u postizanju ciljeva uspe-šnosti preduzeca koja teže visokoj adaptabil nosti zahtevi ma okruženja i na tim osnovma visokoj konkurent-skoj pred nosti. U tom rasponu zahteva menadžment ljudskih resursa mora da ostvari svo je transformacione ciljeve kako ne bi bio pod rucje i fak tor smetnji u funkcionalnom i timskom delovanju preduzeca. Takve promene u menadžmentu ljudskih resursa pre svega se moraju ostvariti u kompetencio nim karak teristikama samih menadžera ljudskih resursa, njihovom znanju i sposobnostima da pod sticu kreativnu i inovativnu sposobnost zapo slenih.
Keywords: menagement human resorces,strategy, adaptable, competitiv advantage, ransformation objectivesKljučne reči: menadzment ljudskih resursa,strategija,adaptabilnost,konkurenska prednost, transformacioni ciljevi
Pages: 95-101Strane: 95-101