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Challenges of Contemporary Chinese Business and ManagementIzazovi savremenog kineskog biznisa i menadžmenta
Management, [pdf]Menadžment, [pdf]
ID: 7.2012.62.1 Number: 62 Year: 2012 UDC: 005.336.1(510) [tmx] [bow]
Vesna Milićević
Institution: Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade
Vesna Milićević
Institucija: Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Univerzitet u Beogradu
Vladimir Lovrić
Institution: Vomit Group
Vladimir Lovrić
Institucija: Vomit Group
Aleksandar Marković3
Institution: Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade
Aleksandar Marković3
Institucija: Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Univerzitet u Beogradu
The work is an attempt to analyse certain specific features of modern Chinese business and management. It starts with the impact of culture upon Chinese management, especially upon the affirmation of the strategic approach. The focus is on the dynamics, opportunities and challenges of the modern Chinese business doing in the context of extraordinarily high macroeconomic indicators and evident development prospects on a global level. A special section of the work is devoted to the digitalization and the development of a competitive e-business
U radu su analizirane specificne karakteristike savremenog kineskog biznisa i menadžmenta. Polazi se od uti-caja kulture na kineski menadžment, posebno na afirmaci ju strategijskog pri stupa. Fokus je na dinami ci, šan-sama i izazovi ma savremenog ki neskog po slovanja u kontekstu izuzetnih makro ekonomskih po ka zatelja i evidentne razvojne perspektive na globalnom nivou. Poseban segment rada je posvecen digitalizaciji i razvo-ju konkurentnog e-biznisa.
Keywords: Chinese business, culture, strategic approach, Chinese management, e-business.Ključne reči: kineski biznis, kultura, strategijski pristup, kineski menadžment, e-poslovanje.
Pages: 5-11Strane: 5-11