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Cost Reduction in the Time of CrisisStrategije redukcije troškova u doba krize
Management, [pdf]Menadžment, [pdf]
ID: 7.2011.61.7 Number: 61 Year: 2011 UDC: 005.21:657.497.3(497.11)"2008/2010" ; 338.124.4 [tmx] [bow]
Tanja Milić
Institution: Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade
Tanja Milić
Institucija: Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Univerzitet u Beogradu
The 2008/2010 period was very difficult for both employers and employees, all over the world, as well as in Serbia, and it is expected, according to estimates of experts, that the effects will be felt until 2014 and even later in some industries. Surprised with the crisis situation, without proper cost management, most companies resorted to rapid cost reduction strategies. As revenues fell, and cash flow was reduced, the companies of all sizes have established a stringent controls of every major expense as the first answer to the crisis. The strategies that companies have implemented in this period had a more or less profound effect on their business. This paper analyzes the most frequently used strategies for cost reduction applied during the 2008/2010 crisis in companies around the world, describes a logical sequence of events and consequence, which follows their implementation, and proposes that a new proactive approach to cost management and cost reduction in companies be introduced, which should support stable business in good times as well as in bad times.
Period 2008/2010. hio je veoma težak i za poslodavce i za zaposlene, kako u svetu, tako i u Srbiji i prema procenama eksperata, ocekuje se da ce se efekti osecati i do 2014. godine, a i kasnije u nekim industrijama. Zatecena kriznom situacijom, hez odgovarajuceg upravljanja troškovima, vecina kompanija je pocela da prihegava hrzim strategijama redukcije troškova. Kako su prihodi pali i novcani tok se smanjio, kompanije svih velicina su kao prvi odgovor na krizu uspostavile strogu kontrolu svakog velikog rashoda. Strategije koje su kompanije primenile u tom periodu ostavile su manje ili više duhoke tragove na njihovo poslovanje. U ovom radu analizirane su najcešce korišcene strategije redukcije troškova primenjene u vreme krize 2008/2010. u kompanijama širom sveta, opisan je logican sled dogadaja i posledica koji prati njihovu primenu i dat je predlog za uvodenje novog proaktivnog pristupa upravljanju troškovima i njihovoj redukciji u kompanijama, a koji hi trehalo da podrži stahilno poslovanje kompanija i u dohrim i u lošim vremenima.
Pages: 65-71Strane: 65-71