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Effects of Economic Crisis on Entrepreneurship in CultureUticaj ekonomske krize na preduzetnistvo u kulturi
Management, [pdf]Menadžment, [pdf]
ID: 7.2011.61.14 Number: 61 Year: 2011 UDC: 330.322.1:008(497.11) ; 338.124.4 [tmx] [bow]
Kočović Milica
Institution: Istitute of Insurance and Actuaries, Belgrade
Kočović Milica
Institucija: Istitut za osiguranje i aktuarstvo, Beograd
The subject of this work is the effect of macroeconomic environment on cultural market development level in a country. The work presents the analysis of the influence of economic crises on certain segments of culture in chosen developed cultures with the stress on financial resources. The work also analyses the complex situation caused by problems on the cultural market in Serbia as well as the importance of entrepreneurship in culture for finding additional financial resources for funding culture.
Predmet analize ovog rada je uticaj makroekonomskog okruženja na nivo razvijenosti tržišta kulture u nekoj zemlji. U radu je data analiza uticaja ekonomske krize na pojedine segmente kulture u izabranim razvijenim zemljama sa akcentom na izvorima finansiranja. Takođe je analizirana složena situacija usled ispoljenih problema na tržištu kulture u Srbiji, kao i značaj preduzetništva u kulturi u pronalaženju dopunskih izvora finansiranja kulture.