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what use is knowledge if there is no understanding? The Use of Terms Management and Organization in Master’s and Specialist’s Dissertations, and Magister’s and Doctoral ThesKoja je korist od znanja ako razumevanja nema?“ Koriscenje termina menadzment i organizacija u master i specijalistickim disertacijama i u magistarskim i dokstorskim disertacijama
Management, [pdf]Menadžment, [pdf]
ID: 7.2011.60.6 Number: 60 Year: 2011 UDC: 378.147::81'373.237 [tmx] [bow]
Gordana Jakić,
Institution: Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade
Gordana Jakić,
Institucija: Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Univerzitet u Beogradu
Marija Novaković
Institution: Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade
Marija Novaković
Institucija: Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Univerzitet u Beogradu
Good management and organization are the key factors of the success of any venture. As a consequence of the globalization of business, many markets, cooperation and languages combine. When adopting a term, obscurity in the meaning of a term often occurred. This paper analyzes the terms management and organization, used in a corpus of defended master’s, specialist’s and doctoral theses the Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade, between the years 2000 and 2010. The paper considers the origin and the definitions of the said terms, the way they entered the Serbian language and the way they are used by the authors of various papers.
Dobro upravljanje i organizacija predstavljaju kljucne faktore uspeha u svakom poduhvatu. Globalizacija poslovanja ima za posledicu da se mnoga tržišta, saradnja i jezici mešaju. Kada se usvaja neki termin, obicno dolazi do nejasnoca u znacenju tog termina. U ovom radu analizuju se termini menadzment i organizacija koje se koriste u korpusu odbranjenih master, specijalistickih i doktorskih teza na Fakultetu organizacionih nauka Univerziteta u Beogradu, u periodu izmedu 2000. i 2010. godine. U radu se razmatraju poreklo i definicije recenih termina, nacin na koji su oni postali deo srpskog jezika i nacin na koji ih razni autori koriste u svojim radovima.
Pages: 43-49Strane: 43-49