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The Influence of Cloud Computing Concept on Organizational Performance and StructureUticaj „Cloud computing” koncepta na organizacione performanse i strukturu
Management, [pdf]Menadžment, [pdf]
ID: 7.2011.60.3 Number: 60 Year: 2011 UDC: 007:004Ë:005.72 [tmx] [bow]
Mladen Čudanov
Institution: Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade
Mladen Čudanov
Institucija: Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Univerzitet u Beogradu
Jovan Krivokapić
Institution: Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade
Jovan Krivokapić
Institucija: Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Univerzitet u Beogradu
Jovan Krunić
Institution: Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade
Jovan Krunić
Institucija: Fakultet organizacionih nauka, Univerzitet u Beogradu
The paper deals with the organizational aspects of the “Cloud Computing“ concept implementation. It is focused upon management and organization, rather than on the technical, ICT aspects of this concept. The impacts of “cloud computing“ upon the organizational straucture are primarily seen in the new organizational networking platform, via new functionalities this concept offers to the organizational network broker. The implementation of the communication and coordination functions, and the control function in the “cloud“ have proven to facilitate the responsive instead of an ad-hoc network expansion. The impact upon organizational performacces is analysed within the scope of variable and fixed costs of the ICT infrastructure, as well as of transactional and opportunity costs of operations costs. An example is presented of the manner in which “cloud computing“ reduces opportunity costs, increases profitability and reducess the losses of customers. The implementation of this approach is found to allow for a higher level of capital utilisation, a lower sensitivity to business riskss, lower transaction costs as well as a better focus upon directly profitable activities of producing measurable outcomes, rather than upon the activities of support and subsidiary activities. Thus a theoretical frame was used to demonstrate a positive impact upon the development of organizational structure and organizational performances.
Ovaj rad se bavi organizacionim aspektima primene “Cloud computing” koncepta. Fokusiran je pre svega na menadžment i organizaciju, a manje na tehnicke, IKT aspekte ovog koncepta. Uticaji koje „cloud computing“ostvaruje na organizacionu strukturu su prvenstveno nova platforma za uspostavljanje organizacione mreže, preko novih funkcionalnosti koje taj koncept otvara za brokera organizacionih mreža. Pokazuje se da implementiran-je funkcija komunikacije i koordinacije, a po potrebi i kontrole u „cloud“-u olakšava responzivno umesto ad-hoc širenje mreže. Uticaj na organizacione performanse analiziran je u okviru varijabilnih i fiksnih troškova IKT infrastrukture, kao i transakcionih i oportunitetnih troškova poslovanja. Konkretno je pokazan nacin na koji „cloud computing“ umanjuje oportunitetne troškove, povecava profitabilnost i smanjuje gubitke klijenata/kupaca. Zakljuceno je da korišcenje ovog pristupa omogucuje bolju iskorišcenost kapitala, manju osetljivost na rizik poslovanja, niže transakcione troškove kao
Pages: 19-25Strane: 19-25