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Human Resources in the Drive Towards Creativity and Organisational InnovationLjudski resursi u funkciji unapređivanja kreativnosti organizacionih inovacija
Management, [pdf]Menadžment, [pdf]
ID: 7.2010.54.5 Number: 54 Volume: XV Year: 2010 UDC: 005.96 [tmx] [bow]
Dr Isabel Martins
Institution: HRM/OB Division, University of Glamorgan, Wales in UK
Dr Isabel Martins
Institucija: Odsek HRMB/OB, Univerzitet Glamorgan, Vels, Velika Britanija
Dr Orlando Petiz
Institution: School of Economics and Management, Department of Economics, University of Minho in Portugal
Dr Orlando Petiz
Institucija: Odeljenje za ekonomiju i menad`ment, Ekonomski fakultet, Univerzitet Minho, Portugalija
Dr Ana Martins
Institution: Learning and Professional Development Division, University of Glamorgan, Wales in UK
Dr Ana Martins
Institucija: Odeljenje za razvoj stru~njaka, Univerzitet Glamorgan, Vels, Velika Britanija
Innovation is the cornerstone of competitive advantage. For this, it is necessary to adopt the practices of a range of measures which lead to entrepreneurial re-structuring. This emphasizes the measures of change within the different components of the organisation, as well as implementing an innovative culture based on quality which will be broad ranging and affect all aspects of the organisation. In this way, entrepreneurial flexibility has to be based on the creative individual and views that intelligence is the major ingredient of bringing about flexibility. With these new attitudes, policies and practices the innovative organisation neutralizes obsolete processes and products focusing instead on its potential. Therefore, in this quest for excellence, new core competencies have to be sought after. These must take into account all employees and not only those whose technical or conceptual competencies are more visible. However, due to the constant and abrupt economic, social, technical and technological changes seen in the entrepreneurial contexts, it is vital to question what type of flexibility is more easily adaptable to the systems of constant change. Therefore, there are some pillars which are vital for these foundations, namely, commitment, tolerance, involvement willingness to take risk, all of which will ensure these organisations are more complex and less bureaucratic.
Inovacije predstavljaju temelj konkurentske prednosti. Stoga je neophodno usvojiti određene mere pomoću kojih ćemo restruktuirati preduzetništvo. Posebno su značajne mere uvođenja promena u različite segmente organizacije, kao i primena inovativne kulture širokog opsega, zasnovane na kvalitetu, koja će prožimati sve aspekte organizacije. Na taj način, fleksibilnost preduzetništva će počivati na kreativnim pojedincima i na gledištu da je inteligencija najvažniji segment fleksibilnosti. Uz ove nove stavove, politiku i praksu, inovativna organizacija će se otarasiti zastarelih procesa i proizvoda i umesto toga će se osloniti na svoje potencijale. Stoga, u ovoj potrazi za izvrsnošću moramo da tragamo i za novim osnovnim kompetentnostima. One moraju da obuhvate sve zaposlene, a ne samo one čija je tehnička i koncepcijska kompetentnost vidljivija. Ipak, s obzirom na neprekidne i nagle ekonomske, dru{tvene, tehničke i tehnološke promene u sferi preduzetništva, neophodno je zapitati se kakvu vrstu fleksibilnosti je najlakše primeniti u sistemu stalnih promena. Stoga predlažemo neke stubove za temelj ovakvog pristupa, a to su posvećenost, tolerancija, angažovanost, spremnost da se rizikuje, a sve to čini da organizacija postane složenija i manje birokratska.
Pages: 37-42Strane: 37-42