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Impementation of the Adaptive System in Elektronic LearningImplementacija adaptivnog sistema za elektronsko učenje
Management, [pdf]Menadžment, [pdf]
ID: 7.2009.53.8 Number: 53 Volume: XIV Month: 12 Year: 2009 UDC: 37.018.43:004.738.4 [tmx] [bow]
Svetlana Jevremović
Institution: College of Technological Sciences [abac
Svetlana Jevremović
Institucija: Visoka tehnološka škola strukovnih studija Šabac
The paper presents one solution in the development of the adaptive system of electronic learning in the personalized environment LMS Moodle. The practice so far has shown that numerous electronic distant learning courses failed, due to the same static learning contents being implemented for all the students, which resulted in lack of motivation and poor results. The primary objective of this research is the personalization of electronic learning systems geared to the identified abilities, needs and preferences of each student, including the defined learning styles, too. The students were classed into three characteristic groups and the model of adaptive distance education system was presented.
U ovom radu se predstavlja jedno rešenje za razvoj adaptivnog sistema elektronskog učenja u personalizovanom okruženju LMS Moodle. Dosadašnja praksa je pokazala da su brojni elektronski kursevi za učenje na daljinu rezultirali neuspehom, jer je implementirani isti stati~ki sadr`aj za učenje svim studentima doveo do nemotivisanosti i nezadovoljavajućih rezultata. Primarni cilj ovog istraživanja je personalizacija sistema elektronskog ucenja u skladu sa utvrđenim sposobnostima, potrebama i preferencama svakog studenta, uzimajući u obzir i definisane stilove učenja. Studenti su raspoređeni u tri karakteristične grupe i prezentovan je model adaptivnog sistema učenja na daljinu.
Pages: 57-61Strane: 57-61