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Organizatonal Development of Higher Education and the Competent Model in the Bologna Reform of StudiesOrganizacioni razvoj visokog {kolstva i kompetentni model u bolonjskoj reformi studija
Management, [pdf]Menadžment, [pdf]
ID: 7.2009.53.5 Number: 53 Volume: XIV Month: 12 Year: 2009 UDC: 378.014.3(4) [tmx] [bow]
Tatjana Devjak
Institution: Ljubljana University, Faculty of Pedagogy
Tatjana Devjak
Institucija: Univerzitet u Ljubljani, Pedagoški fakultet
Srećko Devjak
Institution: Ljubljana University, Faculty of Administration
Srećko Devjak
Institucija: Univerzitet u Ljubljani, Fakultet za upravu
Ever since 1988 the European countries have implemented the Bologna reform, based on the declarations submitted by the EU member countries ministers of higher education. The objectives of the Bologna reform are to create an integrated European higher education area by way of achieving high quality, transparency and measurability of the scope of studies relying on the ECTS system of integrated grading of the students’ academic obligations. The adopted objectives of the reform guide the development of the higher education towards an integral personal development of the student population with a broad knowledge of the the European requirements as regards higher education and employment. Including the students into the management, the possibility of choice and the mobility of studies will certainly have an effect upon their integral development and their understanding of the European dimension of higher education. The development of universities will be based on an ever richer knowledge of the European higher education area, which will enhance the mobility of pedagogic as well as non-pedagogic personnel. The partnership within the academic community with the academic institutions and the employers will allow for the designing of such degree programmes developed on the sufficiently clearly defined competent models of the employment area. The higher education institutions will be in a position to meet the employers’ needs on condition they ensure the development of research and consulting activities, which will, in addition to the degree programmes of formal education, allow for the implementation of various forms of life-long study. Some members of the Ljubljana university were among the first Slovenian higher education institutions that in 2005 implemented the degree programmes on the basis of the Bologna reform (among them the Faculty of Administration). The reform models are based on the competent models that were not always clearly defined; besides, the faculties and the universities are faced with a large number of highly demanding organizational and economic problems in the execution of the Bologna directed activities. This paper defines the form of the competent model used as a platform for the degree programmes reforms. It brings the experiences and organizational solutions in the implementation of the elements of the Bologna reform, such as: quality, the ECTS crediting system, options, mobility, partnership.
Bolonjsku reformu evropske države sprovode od 1988. godine, a ona se zasniva na deklaracijama ministara za visoko školstvo država članica EU. Ciljevi bolonjske reforme su oblikovanje jedinstvenog evropskog visokoškolskog prostora postizanjem visokog kvaliteta, transparentnosti i merljivosti studijskog obima koji se oslanja na ECTS sistem jedinstvenog bodovanja studijskih obaveza studenata. Usvojeni ciljevi reforme usmeravaju razvoj visokog školstva prema celovitom ličnom razvoju studentske populacije sa širokim poznavanjem zahteva evropskog prostora na polju visokog školstva i zapošljavanja. Uključivanje studenata u upravljanje, mogućnost izbora i mobilnost studija uticaće na njihov celovitiji lični razvoj i razumevanje evropske dimenzije visokog školstva. Razvoj visokih škola zasnivaće se na upoznavanju sve ve}eg dela evropskog visokoškolskog prostora, što će podstaći mobilnost pedagoškog i nepedagoškog kadra. Partnerstvo u okviru akademske zajednice sa visokoškolskim ustanovama i poslodavcima omogućiće oblikovanje studijskih programa razvijenih na dovoljno jasno definisanim kompetentnim modelima oblasti zapo{ljavanja. Visoko{kolske ustanove biće u mogu}nosti da ispune potrebe poslodavaca ako osiguraju razvoj istraživačke i savetodavne delatnosti koje će pored studijskih programa formalnog obrazovanja omogućiti i implementaciju različitih oblika doživotnog obrazovanja. Neke članice Univerziteta u Ljubljani su među prvim slovenačkim visokoškolskim ustanovama još 2005. godine počele da sprovode studijske programe koji su pro{li kroz bolonjsku reformu (me|u njima i Fakultet za upravu). Modeli reforme zasnivaju se na kompetentnim modelima koji često nisu bili dovoljno dorečeni, a pri tome se fakulteti i univerziteti susreću i sa nizom zahtevnih organizacionih i ekonomskih problema realizacije aktivnosti bolonjskih usmerenja. Prilog definiše oblik kompetentnog modela koji je primeren kao platforma za reforme studijskih programa. U prilogu su predstavljena iskustva i organizaciona rešenja implementacije elemenata bolonjske reforme, kao što su na primer.: kvalitet, ECTS sistem bodovanja, mogućnost izbora, mobilnost, partnerstvo.
Pages: 35-41Strane: 35-41