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The Strategy of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Financing its Member countriesStrategija MMF-a u finansiranju zemalja članica
Management, [pdf]Menadžment, [pdf]
ID: 7.2009.52.7 Number: 52 Volume: XIV Month: 9 Year: 2009 UDC: 339.732.4 [tmx] [bow]
dr Slobodan Marković,
Institution: Faculty of Foreign Trade, Novi Sad
dr Slobodan Marković,
Institucija: Fakultet za spoljnu trgovinu Novi Sad
dipl.ecc Biljana Lazić
Institution: Faculty of Foreign Trade, Novi Sad
dipl.ecc Biljana Lazić
Institucija: Fakultet za spoljnu trgovinu Novi Sad
The twentieth century was marked by numerous changes whose consequences and effects we can still notice and feel. Surely,one of the crucial processes is the transition of economies of most undeveloped countries and their transformation towards the market way of doing business. Many international institutions, with the International Monetary Fund being ahead, were following and helping the described processes. The purpose of this paper is to show the main goals, tasks, organizational structure and the way of functioning of the big and first of all very important international financial institution such as the IMF. Also, there will be described the ways in which the IMF forms its financial sources as well as the possibilities of the member countries to use these sources. The main aim of this work is to present the positive sides of the Fund doing the business, but also to point out the restrictive policy by which the Fund is directed in approving financial resources, and which is criticized a lot. Another aim of this text is to show, in its final consideration, the relationship between the IMF and the countries in transition with a special regard to the relationship towards this country
Dvadeseti vek su obeležile mnogobrojne promene čije posledice i efekte još uvek možemo osetiti. Svakako, jedan od najznačajnijih procesa je tranzicija privreda većeg broja nerazvijenih zemalja i njihova transformacija ka tržišnom načinu privređivanja. Mnoge međunarodne institucije, na čelu sa Međunarodnim monetarnim fondom pratile su i pomagale opisane procese. Svrha ovog rada je da prikaže osnovne ciljeve, zadatke, organizacinu strukturu i način funkcionisanja velike i nadasve značajne me|unarodne finansijske institucije kakva je MMF. Biće opisani načini na koje MMF formira svoje izvore sredstava kao i mogućnosti zemalja članica da koriste sredstva fonda. Prevashodni cilj rada je da istakne pozitivnosti u radu fonda ali i da ukaže na politiku uslovljenosti kojom se fond rukovodi pri odobravanju finansijskih sredstava,a koja je predmet mnogobrojnih kritika. Tako|e, cilj rada je i da ukaže na odnos MMF-a prema zemljama u tranziciji, sa posebnim osvrtom na odnos prema našoj zemlji.
Pages: 61-71Strane: 61-71