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Advertiser Perception of the Internet as a Marketing Communication Vehicle: Case StudyKako ogla{iva~i vide Internet kao sredstvo marketinga: studija slu~aja
Management, [pdf]Menadžment, [pdf]
ID: 7.2009.52.6 Number: 52 Volume: XIV Month: 9 Year: 2009 UDC: 004.5:659 [tmx] [bow]
Khalid Alrawi
Institution: Al-ain University of Science & Technology
Khalid Alrawi
Institucija: Univerzitet za nauku i tehnologiju Al-ain, UAR
For most established businesses, the Web's main role is either to reduce costs or to add value for existing customers, but it also has a potential role in customer acquisition, and in the case of a web startup. It is a critical role. The aim of this research is to find out how the Internet is impacting advertising. The study was carried out through a questionnaire of the top executives of 200 firms in the services sectors in Abu Dhabi, UAE (Banking and Insurance industries). It examined their attitudes about the effect of advertising through the Internet. Research findings conclude that the scope of the Internet usage in advertising is affected by managements' perceptions of the effectiveness of their web sites as a marketing tool. Result indicates that negative attitudes towards advertising through the Internet are associated with the Banking and Insurance businesses, which are the largest two sectors in the services industry. These findings suggest that managers believe there are no economic benefits for advertising through the Internet. Based upon the sample size the researcher believes that the findings may prevail in other service industries in Abu Dhabi in particular and, the UAE in general.
U mnogim firmama smatraju da je uloga interneta ili da smanji troškove ili da doda vrednost za postojeđe kupce, ali on igra značajnu ulogu i u privlačenju novih kupaca i u uspostavljanju novih mreža. To je, u stvari, njegova najznačajnija uloga. Naš cilj u ovom istraživanju jeste da proučimo kako internet utiče na oglašavanje. Studija je obuhvatila izvršne direktore 200 firmi koje rade u uslužnom sektoru u Abu Dabiju u UAR (oblast bankarstva i osiguranja), a sprovedena je putem upitnika, sa ciljem da se sazna kako ovi direktori ocenjuju efekat oglašavanja primenom interneta. Zaključci dobijeni istraživanjem pokazuju da opseg primene interneta u oglašavanju zavisi od toga kako menadžment ocenjuje efekat vebsajtova kao instrumenta marketinga. Rezultati ukazuju na to da su negativni stavovi prema oglašavanju putem interneta uglavnom vezani za firme u sektoru bankarstva i osiguranja, dva najveća sektora u oblasti uslužne delatnosti. Ovi rezultati ukazuju i na to da menadžeri smatraju da oglašavanje putem interneta ne donosi nikakvu ekonomsku korist. Na osnovu veličine uzirka ovaj istraživač iznosi stav da ovakvi rezultati mogu da va`e i u drugim uslu`nim delatnostima, posebno u Abu Dabiju, a i u UAR uopšte.
Pages: 49-59Strane: 49-59