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Mines Closure StrategyStrategija zatvaranja rudnika
Underground Mining Еngineering, Review paper [pdf]Podzemni radovi, Pregledni rad [pdf]
ID: 2.2012.20.5 Number: 20 Volume: XX Month: 06 Year: 2012 UDC: 62 [tmx] [bow]
Vladimir Pavlović
Institution: University in Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade
Vladimir Pavlović
Institucija: Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd
Tomislav Šubaranović
Institution: University in Belgrade, Faculty of Mining and Geology, Belgrade
Tomislav Šubaranović
Institucija: Univerzitet u Beogradu, Rudarsko-geološki fakultet, Beograd
Basic standards for the process of mines closure are much more demanding and complex than they were several years ago. By the mines closure is necessary to prevent or reduce to a minimum a long-term negative impact on the environment and enable the creation of self sustaining natural ecosystems. Issues relating to mines closure are of great importance in the evaluation of proposals for the exploitation of mineral resources.
Osnovni standardi za proces zatvaranja rudnika su mnogo zahtevniji i kompleksniji nego što su to bili pre nekoliko godina. Zatvaranjem rudnika je potrebno sprečiti ili smanjiti na najmanju moguću meru negativni dugoročni uticaj na životnu sredinu i omogućiti stvaranje samoodrživih prirodnih ekosistema. Pitanja koja se odnose na zatvaranje rudnika su od velike važnosti u procesu procene predloga za eksploataciju mineralnih sirovina.
Keywords: mine closure, environmental protectionKljučne reči: zatvaranje rudnika, zaštita životne sredine
Pages: 99-106Strane: 39-46