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Risk Assessment and Guidelines for Risk Reduction in MiningProcena rizika i smernice za smanjenje rizika u rudarstvu
Underground Mining Еngineering, Professional paper [pdf]Podzemni radovi, Stručni rad [pdf]
ID: 2.2012.20.3 Number: 20 Volume: XX Month: 06 Year: 2012 UDC: 62 [tmx] [bow]
Marija Hadži-Nikolova
Institution: University "Goce Delčev", Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences, Štip
Marija Hadži-Nikolova
Institucija: Univerzitet "Goce Delčev", Fakultet prirodnih i tehničkih nauka, Štip
Dejan Mirakovski
Institution: University "Goce Delčev", Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences, Štip
Dejan Mirakovski
Institucija: Univerzitet "Goce Delčev", Fakultet prirodnih i tehničkih nauka, Štip
Nikolinka Doneva
Institution: University "Goce Delčev", Faculty of Natural and Technical Sciences, Štip
Nikolinka Doneva
Institucija: Univerzitet "Goce Delčev", Fakultet prirodnih i tehničkih nauka, Štip
Safety and health at work of occupationally exposed workers not only formal approach through which community wishes to declare its commitment to improving the work environment and welfare of workers. Instead, safety and health of workers is a very economically-oriented category, through which you should protect the interests of workers, enterprises and economic organizations. The right on health and safety at work are universal human and labor rights. Therefore, the International Labor Organization from its foundation until today has adopted and published the 187 Declaration and 198 recommendations in the area of health and safety at work. This paper presents guidelines for the assessment of occupational risk in mining, one of the riskiest industries.
Bezbednost i zdravlje na radu profesionalno izloženih radnika nije samo formalni pristup putem kojeg zajednica želi da pokaže svoju posvećenost unapređenju radne sredine i dobrobiti radnika. Umesto toga, bezbednost i zdravlje radnika predstavlja ekonomski veoma orijentisanu kategoriju, putem koje bi trebalo štititi interse radnika, preduzeća i privrednih društava. Pravo na zdravlje i bezbednost na radu predstavljaju univerzalna ljudska i radna prava. Zbog toga je, Međunarodna organizacija rada od svog osnivanja pa sve do danas, usvojila i objavila 187 Deklaracija i 198 preporuka u oblasti bezbednosti i zdravlja na radu. U ovom radu biće predstavljene smernice za procenu profesionalnog rizika u rudarstvu, kao jedne od najrizičnijih grana industrije.
Keywords: risk, assessment, safety and healthKljučne reči: rizik, procena, bezbednost i zdravlje
Pages: 81-87Strane: 21-27