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Estimation of endangerment of surface and ground waters of the Ibar’s middle river basin as a result of RMHK „ Trepča“ activityOcena ugroženosti površinskih i podzemnih voda srednjeg sliva Ibra kao posledica aktivnosti RMHK “Trepča”
Underground Mining Еngineering, Expert paper [pdf]Podzemni radovi, Stručni rad [pdf]
ID: 2.2006.15.9 Number: 15 Volume: XIII Month: 12 Year: 2006 UDC: [tmx] [bow]
Blagoje Nedeljković
Institution: FTS, Kosovska Mitrovica
Blagoje Nedeljković
Institucija: Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Kosovska Mitrovica
Gordana Milentijević
Institution: FTS, Kosovska Mitrovica
Gordana Milentijević
Institucija: Fakultet tehničkih nauka, Kosovska Mitrovica
Estimation of endangerment of surface and ground waters of the Ibar’s middle river basin appeared as a result of exploatation and refining of lead zinc ore in Kopaonic ore region, within the region of RMHK „Trepča“ is given in the work . Primary sources of pollution are surface mines, ground exploitatory mines, flotation, separation, flotational and separational gangues, deposits of coal, ashes, ore etc. Not all of quoted sources of pollution are active, but disregarding the statement whether they are active or not, they pollute surface and ground waters only by their existence. The pollution is physical as well as chemical, by which wider environment is polluted causing that some substances are registered even at higher points, sometimes at even one hundred chilometres from the source of pollution.
U radu je data ocena ugroženosti površinskih i podzemnih voda srednjeg sliva Ibra, nastalog kao posledica eksploatacije i prerade olovo-cinkane rude Kopaoničke rudne oblasti, u okviru RMHK” Trepča”. Primarni izvori zagađenja su površinski kopovi, rudnici sa podzemnom eksploatacijom, flotacije, separacie, flota-cijska i separacijska jalovišta, deponije uglja, pepela, rude i dr. Navedeni izvori zagađenja, nisu svi aktivni, ali bez obzira na konstataciju da li su aktivni ili ne, samo svojim postijanjem zagađuju površinske i podzemne vode. Zagađenje je i fizičko i hemi-jsko, čime se zagađuje šira okolina tako da neke štetne materije se registruju i više, ponekad, i od sto kilometara od izvora zagađenja.
Keywords: exploatation and refining of lead zinc ore, deposits, heavy metals, pollution of surface and ground watersKljučne reči: eksploatacija i prerada olovo-cinkane rude, deponije, teški metali, zagađenje površinskih i podzemnih voda
Pages: 157-166Strane: 61-68